chapter 10

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Your POV

We walk out of the lair and up to the surface. It's nighttime. We sleep in the day and stay up all night.

Raph jumps up onto a rooftop and throws down a role for me to grab. Psh, as if I need a rope.

I use my mutant abilities to jump all the way up to the rooftop. Raph looks at me surprised. "Wow I didn't you could do that" he say walking to me.

I jump over to the next rooftop just as he was about to touch me. "Really? You wanna play that way?" He says smirking.

I smirk back and he jumps over to the rooftop where I'm at. I laugh and take off running to my abandoned pizza place.

I look back and see him following close behind. I run faster. I look behind me to see where he is but he's gone.

I stop and look around. "Raph?" I tell out into the dark. I start to panic. Where is he??

Suddenly I'm tackled to ground with someone on top of me holding my hands above my head.

I look up and see a smirking raph leaning into my lips to steal a kiss. I seal the gap between us.

We both pull away for air and he gets off of me. He holds out a hand for me and i gladly take it.

I get up and we make our way to my place once again. When we arrive, the door is open and there is glass on the sidewalk outside.

I run in and see Lyra lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I take a closer look and find a single gunshot through her skull.

"No... Please t-this can't b-be happening.... Lyra no... " I say kneeling down next to my now dead best friend. I cry begging for this not to be real.

I look back to see that raph is horrified. He runs over to me and embraces me in a tight hug. This isn't happening right now...

"You can come stay with us if you want to. I would understand that you wouldn't want to stay here anymore." He says pulling away.

I just nod and we leave to go back to the lair. I can barely walk because I'm so depressed right now.

Raph sees me stumbling and he licks me up bridal style. I just lay there and I bury my face in his chest. I cry all the way back to his room.

He lays me down on his bed and tells me to stay there and that he will be right back.

He comes back with a plate of pizza for me. I nibble on it a little, not really wanting to eat anything right now. I stay there all night and then cry myself to sleep.

Raph never left my side. He knew he would get in trouble if he doesn't how up for patrol or training, but he couldn't leave me.

When I woke up later on, I decided to go see donnie. I had a headache from all of the crying.

"Hey donnie." I said gloomily as I walked into his lab. "Hey y/n! What can I d- oh my gosh hey are you ok??" He said running to me.

My eyes were all red and puffy. The fur around my eyes was wet and stained. I sniffle and start to cry again.

Donnie hugged me tightly until I stopped crying. "No... I'm not fine... My best friend, my only friend, my only family... Was killed..."

He looked at me with sad eyes "y-y/n I'm so sorry, is there any way I can i help you?" He asked.

"Yeah. I need something for my headache." He nodded and got me some medicine. He told me to rest so the medicine will work better.

On my way back to Raphs room, I saw him being yelled at in the dojo. He's getting in trouble because of me.

I run into the dojo and say to splinter "no please don't yell at him, it's my fault he wasn't able to make it to training or patrol. My best friend died and he was comforting me all day yesterday...."

Splinter looked at me then back at raph. "Raphael, is that true?" He nodded "yes sensei."

Man this took forever to write... I'm running out of ideas here people. Please. PLEASE HELP ME.

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