chapter 4

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Your POV

      I walk inside with Lyra (leer-uh) and sit down on the old couch we found in a dumpster. Lyra looks at me and questions where I've been all day. I tell her that I was just on patrol, but I didn't mention the turtles. She brushes it off and heads to bed because it was getting pretty late. I should go to bed too.

***next day***

     Light shines from the boarded up Windows and gently caresses my face. I open my eyes and stretch out my body across my bed. I sit up and yawn, still not fully awake. I sit there for a moment and then get up to get breakfast.

     Lyra is in the kitchen making scrambled eggs. I wonder where she got eggs in the time I was sleeping. They look pretty fresh. Nevermind that, I sit down at our small table and patiently wait for her to finish cooking.

      She sets a plate of eggs down in front of me and I quickly scarf it all down considering I haven't eaten in three days. It's hard living as a mutant. We can't get jobs to earn money to buy food or other essentials. That's why we just take what we want.

       To make up for our bad deeds, I go out and stop crimes. The reason that I'm the only one that does it is because Lyra can't walk right. A long time ago she was in a terrible accident including mutagen, kraang, and giant worms. She doesn't talk about it much.

       I finish eating and as I'm heading out for patrol, I remember that I get to see Raph later. I smile and shut the door behind me thinking of getting to see the red masked turtle again.

Raphs POV

      *PUNCH* *PUNCH PUNCH* I hit the punching dummy over and over. I am so pissed off right now. Leo wants us to start training more often. I told him that I wasn't going to and that there was no point. *PUNCH* He said that I didn't have choice.

       I either had to train or be suspended from the team.*PUNCH PUNCH* I hit the dummy harder and harder until  it flew across the room and hit Donnie's lab door. I storm off and go up to the surface to see if it was dark yet.

       I have been waiting to y/n for so long. Its only been there hours since I woke up this morning. It's about 12:00 pm and I can't take it anymore. I go into and alley and jump on to a rooftop.

       A white flash ships past me and I stagger a little bit. What the hell was that. I look around and suddenly I'm on the ground in less than a second. I shut my eyes tight and wince as the fall knocked the air out of me.

        Then something heavy falls on my plastron and I open my eyes to see beautiful (e/c) eyes staring at me. Those eyes seem familiar. I can't tell exactly who it is because the top of their head and their nose and mouth are covered up.

        The stranger then gets off of me and stands up holding out a hand for me to grab. I see white fur and a large tail. It's y/n! I grab her hand and pull her back down on top of me. She yelps as she falls. "Hey princess."

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