chapter 17

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Your POV

I'm running. Running as fast as I can. There's something chasing me. A dark figure with long claws. Or maybe knives? I run even faster. I trip. The figure comes closer. A light shines on it. It's a man. He has metal armor and sharp blades coming from his hands. He walks closer. I try to move but I'm frozen with fear. Who is this man. What does he want? I try to speak but it's like my mouth is glued shut. The man is mere inches away and before I knew it... He slashed my body and blood spews everywhere. I stare in horror at what he's just done. He suddenly just fades away and I can see a bright light. It's getting brighter and brighter by the second. I shut my eyes tight and then I wake up...

I look around me and see the turtles and splinter tied up in chairs. They are all unconscious. I try to move but realize I'm tied up also. We are placed in a circle. I go to talk but find out theres tape on my mouth. I can feel tears in my eyes. I look over to Raph and see his face is slightly bruised. He must have woken up and tried to fight back. Tears roll down my cheeks as terrible thoughts go through my mind. I look at my surroundings and see we are in a cellar of some kind. It's cold and damp. Something moves out of the corner of my eye and I see Leo waking up. He struggles with the ropes and I just sigh. He looks at me with a worried expression until his attention is snapped towards the door. It clicks and opens with a loud creak. Master splinter wakes up and is unusually calm about all of this. Three men step inside followed by a girl that looks our age. She turns to close the door and two big white wings come into view. She has brown hair put into a ponytail and she's dressed like she is ready for a fight at any time. I look at Leo and see him blushing. Come on dude, nows not the time to make goo goo eyes at the enemy! The girl splashes water on mikey, raph, and Donnie and they all wake up just as confused as I was. Raph looks around frantically until his green eyes stop on me. He lets out a big sigh of relief and I can see him basically smile with his eyes. I look back to The girl who comes closer to me but walks past and towards raph. I see a smirk on her face and I feel a sudden urge to claw out her throat. "Those are very hateful thoughts you got there pup." The girl says. My eyes widen in surprise at her comment. She strokes the end of Raphs bandana and he flinches, making a disgusted face. She turns around to face me. "Is he your boyfriend? Is that why you don't want me doing this?" She says while placing a hand on his shoulder and sliding it down his plastron. I growl behind the duct tape, ready to rip it off and bite off her head at any moment. "oh you poor thing, you might need more duct tape, can't have you ripping off the layer you have just so you can rip off my head." Now I'm really confused... Who is this girl?

Hiiii! I know it's a bit short but I have really bad writers block, I don't even know what's gonna happen in the next chapter! Anyways hope you enjoyed, have a great next few hours cuz I don't know if you're reading this in the morning, afternoon, or late at night...

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