chapter 20

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Warning! Some mild-ish violence and hurtful words. Just telling you now cuz I know some people are sensitive about self hatred and what not. Anyways enjoy!

Raphs POV

We make our way toward master splinter with my hand holding y/n's. Donnie leads the way because he didn't bother to tell us the directions. We stop at a large metal door with banging coming from inside. Donnie takes out a weird device but y/n walks over and uses her retractable claws to pick the multiple locks on the door. She smirks at him and he just rolls his eyes. That's my girl. She opens the door and master splinter comes out. We hug and celebrate but it doesn't last long. Soldiers start coming from every direction. We take out our weapons and prepare to fight. One guy lunges, then a second, and then they all attack. I feel a peck on my cheek, and I look around to see y/n jump up into an air vent. I smile at her and I nod at her understandingly. Then I turn my focus back to the fight, she knows what she's doing. At least I hope so.

Your POV

Before the full fight broke out, I looked up and saw an air vent. I smirk as I get an idea. I quickly kiss Raph on the cheek and jump into the vents as the fight begins. He nods at me, I nod back, and I make my way through the metal tunnels. I use my mutant smell and hearing to pinpoint Alyssa's location. I turn left and right multiple times before I can hear her voice clearly. I turn one more time and smile to myself as I notice I'm right on top of her. "Those damn turtles! I'm gonna kill them!" Alyssa yells angrily. I roll my eyes and continue to listen. "I can't believe you fools let them escape! Wait.. Where's the Fox brat?" I growl quietly. I can see that she's looking at the security cameras in the room we were in earlier. "She's their weakness. If I can get a hold of her, the turtles will have no choice but to come and save her. I can't wait to get my revenge on those chaotic, family killing dirtwads." She laughs evilly (is that even a word? Idk). I decide to get out of there before she finds out that I'm spying. I love forward and step over the vent, or so I thought. My foot slips and the cover falls down. I hold on the best I can with half of my body and my tail hanging down. Crap. I frantically try to get back into the vent but someone grabs my tail and yanks. I yelp loudly and brace myself for impact on the cold floor. My bark echoes through the vents and I just hope that Raphael heard it. I open my eyes to see Alyssa staring down at me. My eyes go wide and I scoot away. I realize that I've either sprained or broken my ankle, so I'm not going anywhere. "Well well well, looks like finding the mutt wasn't so hard after all." She spits out. I snarl at her and she just smirks. I quickly block out her stupid mind reading powers like earlier. Her smirk fades and she grabs my neck, lifting me off the ground. She shoves me against a wall and I gasp for air while clawing at her hand. It draws blood and a few drops fall. "Don't test me. I'm strong. You're weak. I'm powerful and you're nothing. You think you can stop me? I know everything that scares you most. Just like I know he will never truly love you." Those last few words got to me and I feel tears form in my eyes. She releases me from her grasp and I fall to the floor while taking in deep, shaky breaths of air. Tears fall and I let my guard down, unwillingly letting her read all of my thoughts. "You stupid dog, how could you actually believe that boy loves you? You're an ugly, disgusting vermin. You don't deserve him." It's like she dug her way into the back of my brain where my darkest fears hid. "And lyra, she never cared for you. She was never your friend. She probably wasn't even murdered. I bet she killed herself because she couldn't stand being around you anymore." With every single word she says, even more tears fall from my eyes. "S-stop.. P-please.. I'll do a-anything you want.." I beg. She smiles and grabs my arm and drags me to a cell. Much like the one we were in before. She closes the door and walks away with a terrifying laugh. I just sit there with tears streaming down my face, thinking about all she said. After what all I've done, Raph doesn't deserve a pathetic creature like me..

Raphs POV

"Watch out!" I duck my head as Leo knocks out the last guard. We all stand and catch our breath. Mikey speaks up breaking the silence. "Hey dudes, where's y/n?" I open my mouth to answer but a loud yelp from the vents interrupts me. My eyes go wide in worry. What if she's hurt? What if Alyssa got her? All many things go through my head. I quickly jump up into the vent and signal for the guys to follow. I follow the path of white fur until it stops at an open vent. I jump down and look around. The security camera room we were in before. I see a small drop of blood on the floor. I move swiftly through the shadows and find myself in another room. This one was like the one we were in before, but there's metal bars in here. At closer inspection, I see a crouched figure in the corner behind the bars. I recognize the white fur and fluffy tail. "Y-y/n!" I yell as I run up to the door. She looks up at me with red puffy eyes. "What happened to you? Are you ok? Y/n?" She gets up and limps over to me. I stare at her with worried eyes. "Raph? Why do you love me?" "What? Y/n we have to get you out of here, you're hurt!" I look around for a key or a way to open the door. Suddenly, I feel her hand grab mine through the bars and we stare into eachothers eyes. "Why do you love me. Tell me. What made you fall for a careless, disgusting, worthless mutant like me? I'm nothing.." I look at her in disbelief. "How can you say that?" I take both of her hands in mine. "Y/n You are the most generous, honest, beautiful, caring, funny, and amazing fox I know. I love you because when nobody understood me, you did. You always cheer me up when I'm down and you know how to calm me down when my temper gets the best of me. I love you because you are you." I see her smile and she kisses me through bars. I kiss back with passion and I gently stroke the fur on her head. Suddenly we hear the door open loudly. We both jump and turn around to face Alyssa. She's holding a tranquilizer gun. "That was so heartwarming! Too bad I have a cold heart." She aims it at me and y/n screams "no!" as she pushes me down and out of the way. The dart hits her arm and she falls unconscious. A deep growl escapes my mouth as i narrow my eyes at Alyssa. She points the gun at me again and shoots. I dodge the shot and the others that followed. I get closer and closer till I'm close enough to grab the gun and knock her off her feet. I quickly pull the trigger to shoot her. But it's out of ammo. I pick up one of the tranq's that missed me. I stick it in her leg and find a pair of keys on her belt. I grab them and quickly unlock the cell door and pick up y/n. I make my way out and back into the security room. I find the guys all on the floor passed out. Just my luck.

This was different but I loved it, I hope yall did too, love you all! Byye!

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