chapter 19

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Here's a new and improved drawing of Alyssa. Imagine she has wings cuz I forgot to draw them lol 😘

your POV

We are all running through the empty halls in full ninja mode. Leo suddenly makes us stop and he whispers something to Donnie, who is right behind him, and he passes it on to the rest of us with hand signals. He motions for us to stand back so Leo can knock down the door in front of him. He takes a few steps back and lunges at the door. It breaks and we sneak in. Once inside, I turn on the lights and what we see is horrifying...

splinters POV

One second, I'm with my sons and the next, I'm being dragged into a dark, wet room by Alyssa. I don't say anything while she talks to me, because I already have a plan to escape. My ropes are weak enough for me to break them apart easily. Once I am free, I will take out the guards and make my way back to my sons. Alyssa has ordered the guards to stay here with me. They stand by the door and stare at me. I bow my head and concentrate for a moment before snapping my ropes and jumping out of my chair. I attack the guards and knock them out. I try to open the door but realize that it is locked from the outside.

your POV

Standing in front of us was a hideous beast that looked like a mix between a lion and a tarantula. "What the hell is that!?" I yell. It had the body of a lion, with eight spider legs, and a hairy spider head. To top it off, it had two large fangs and dozens of glowing, red eyes. It looked and sounded hungry. It growled at us and slowly started creeping up on us. Our ninja instincts kicked in and we readied our weapons. We got into position and went in for battle. Leo swung his katanas at it and it easily dodged the attack. It used some of its legs to grab on to Mikey and tried spitting acid on us. We all jumped out of the way and I used my one katana to cut off the legs that were holding Mikey. "Woah! Thanks dudette!" Green goo like blood comes spewing out. "Donnie takes a swing at the monster while it's distracted and it stumbles to the ground. I glance at Raph and see him finish off the monster. Donnie says ''What or who could've made this monster?'' Leo replies, ''I don't know, but I don't want to stick around to find out.'' We all start to go to the door ahead and Leo gets ready to knock it down but Donnie stops him. He then turns the nob and opens it with a smirk. We go in and find multiple monitors showing different parts of the building. I see one with Master Splinter on it. He's locked and trying to find a way out. "Um.. Guys? Look." I point to the screen with splinter on it. "Donnie, can you find out where that is?" Don starts tapping on the keyboard and pressing different buttons. I look at Raph who has a worried face. "Hey are you alright?" I ask as I give him a hug. "I'm fine princess.. Just worried." He says while hugging me back tightly. "Ha! I got it!" Donnie says while doing a little victory dance.

Hey guys! I'm back! I kinda ghosted you guys for a bit there but now here's ur update! Comment what you think! As always I love you guys, byye!

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