chapter 6

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Mikey POV

I'm sitting on the couch watching space hero's with Leo when we hear footsteps coming from the lair entrance. I jump up and go hide switching to ninja mode. Leo does the same.

I watch the entrance closely and see Raph walk in with y/n. Perfect victims. Leo comes out of hiding and greets y/n and raph. I sneak off to get my trusty water balloons.

When I come back they are all talking and Donnie joined the chat. I aim a balloon straight at y/n and launch. It hits her right in the face and splashes everywhere getting everyone wet.

Raphs POV

While y/n and I were talking with Leo and donnie, a balloon comes out of nowhere and hits y/n right in the face. It splashes everywhere and I immediately know it's mikey.

"Mikey!!!" I yell. He jumps into view and starts laughing hysterically. We all stand there staring at him obviously not amused.

I growl and lunge toward him, he stops laughing and runs off screaming with me right behind him. I hear y/n laughing behind me and stop running. She has such a mesmerising laugh. It's so cute.

Just then Mikey starts waving his hand around in front of my face. "Dude, are you ok? You just stopped and stood here for like five minutes with a super red face." He says looking at me weirdly.

I snap out of my daze and stare at mikey. "You're so gonna get it!" I scream at him. He takes off running again and I'm determined to catch him this time.

Your POV

A. Balloon. Hit. Me. In. The. Face. What the heck!?!? I see Raph run towards his brother who is laughing at us. I laugh too because raph is so cute when he's all fired up.

Suddenly raph just stops? He stood there for a fair amount of time with a red face. What gotten into him? Mikey waves a hand in his face and raph yells at him.

When Raph and Mikey run off, Donnie offers me to come to his lab to dry off. We walk in and I see science-y stuff everywhere. Like gadgets and chemicals.

I sit down on a swivel chair in front of a desk and admire everything on it. I see a mug that says 'I ❤ science' and I can't help but giggle.

Donnie walks up behind me and spins the chair around. He looks down at me and hands me a small towel. He smiles showing his adorable missing tooth.

"Thank you" I say and start wiping my fur. I could have gotten on all fours and just shook myself off but I have only just met these guys. I don't want them thinking I'm some wild animal.

Donnie's POV (yeah that's right. I went there)

I hand y/n the towel and smile. I turn away quickly so she won't see my blush. I don't know what's gotten into me. Ever since that night we met her, I couldn't stop thinking about her.

It's obvious raph has a crush on her. I know him, but I also think I like her. I don't know what it is. Her glowing white fur, her beautiful e/c eyes, her amazing smile... I can go in and on.

I also can't help but think about april. I have liked her for a long time, maybe too long. I think it's time to move on from her and take my chances with y/n.

Your POV

As I finish drying myself off, I can see Donnie deep in thought with a slight blush on his face. I wonder what he's thinking about?

Maybe april? Leo did mention her during our little chat earlier. I don't know, maybe it's nothing. I get up and walk over to him. I put a hand on his shoulder and he almost had a heart attack.

"What were you so deeply thinking about that made me scare you?" I question him. "N-nothing" he says looking down at my hand. His face goes bright red as he looks into my eyes.

I can feel my face heating up and I quickly look away. I take my hand off is shoulder and make my way out of his lab. He looked hurt at my action and I take one last look at him before closing the door to go find raph.

Omg! Major plot twist!!! How will this end up?? No one knows! I will update within a week or so. Promise. Love yall!! Byyyyeee!!!!! Also this was the most words I have written out of the previous chapters. Yay me!

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