Chapter 2

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Before I start this chapter if I trigger tears I'm so sorry. RIP Chester and your never forgotten🖤.

Now on with the story.

Aria Armstrong POV

The next day I wake up and go to have a shower and take my clothes in with me, I locked the door behind me closing it. Before turning on the shower tap and letting the water run Luke warm. I got undressed and hopped in the shower letting the water run off my skin. I washed my hair and face before washing the rest of my body, the scars that littered my arms. I soon finished up in the shower and stepped out to dry myself before getting changed and drying my hair so I could tie it in a ponytail.

After I got ready I went back in my room and grabbed my bag before heading downstairs to find Dad in the kitchen. "Hey Dad" I said and he looked up and smiled, "hey Ari" he said waving. I walked over to the fridge getting out the orange juice so I could have a glass. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Dad asked and I shook my head. "Nope" I said and he looked at me disappointedly, "come on you have to eat something" he said and I shook my head.

"Come on I don't want to be late for school" I said heading for the door and Dad followed behind me. We walked out of the house and I got in the car and Dad drove me to school, a few minutes later we got to school and I said goodbye to dad before rushing out of the car. I ran away from Dad's car and ran till I was into the school gates. A few minutes later I got to my locker and opened it up to get out my books for the day and swapping out the books I didn't need.

Once I was done I closed my locker and went to turn around getting a shock when I saw Emily my best friend right in front of me. "Hey Aria" she said all cheery, "hey" I said and she smiled. "So how's life?" she asked and I shrugged, "I'm still walking the boulevard of broken dreams" I said and she smiled lightly. Then the bell rang and of course that meant it was time for class, "come on" Emily said and I followed her to our first class.

---Time skip to lunch---

"So what's been happening?" I asked and she shrugged, "the normal, mum being busy and me being me" I said and she smirked. "Are you still smoking?" she asked and I shook my head yet that was a lie. "Aria" she said and i nodded, "you know I have nothing against it but I don't want you becoming an addict and something bad happens" she said. "It won't get there" I said and we continued to eat our lunch.

Lunch soon ended and I headed to class, "hey see you after school" Emily said. "Want to come over?" I offered and Emily nodded, I made my way to class and turns out the teacher was away and the school didn't organise a sub to take over so we were all stuck outside the classroom. Maybe for a whole two hours we were locked out and some kids ended up skipping and going somewhere else because that's what people did here.

I was sitting on the benches when I over heard someone talking about Dad, "Yea Billie Joe Armstrong he's like awesome" one said, "Yea I mean like he's a legend" another said. "he's sexy" a girl said and I gagged at her words, that was just disturbing what she said. But then again I say the same about Oliver Sykes. More time passed and the final bell went meaning time to get out of here and go home. I met up with Emily out front and right on time Aunt Ruby rolled up, I got into the car and Emily did to. "Hey girls" Aunt Ruby said looking through the review mirror. "How was school?" she asked, "Okay I mean I skipped a whole two periods" I said and Aunt Ruby looked at me surprised. Then before she could scold me I spoke up, "the school forgot to hire a substitute teacher so we had no teacher" I said and she sighed in relief.

"Oh okay" she said then looked at Emily, "what about you Emily?" she asked. "It was alright" she said. We soon got home and Dad must've been still at the studio because he wasn't at home, Mum was obviously not coming home because she was at her conference. "Aunt Ruby we're gonna go chill up in my room" I said and she nodded. We headed up to my room and I let Emily in before closing the door behind me. "Aria you look jumpy is something wrong?" Emily asked. I need to tell her otherwise things can just get awkward, "Emily can you keep a secret?" I asked and her eyes lit up and she nodded.

"Cross my heart and hope to die I promise" she said making an x over her heart, I nodded and took a deep breath. "Okay well you know how i always deny my dad's Billie Joe Armstrong" I said and she nodded. "Yea well that's because he is my Dad but because he's touring he's hardly around so i don't talk about him much, I'm sorry" I said and she hugged me. "No don't be because I get if your father's not around much it's natural especially when kids talk about him a lot" she said and I nodded then Emily looked at me nervously and bit her lip. "Emily what's wrong?" I asked and she looked at me while she fiddled with her hands.

"I've been keeping a secret from you too" Emily said and I looked at her curiously. "My father is Chester Bennington" she said and my jaw dropped, no way hang on what. She looked down at her lap then back at me, "that's awesome" I said and she smiled. Then the door opened, "Aria I'm home" dad called. I signalled for Emily to follow me downstairs and in the kitchen we saw Dad talking to aunt Ruby, "Hey sweetie" Dad greeted then he looked over at Emily. "And who might you be?" Dad asked. "I'm Emily" Emily said smiling and waving, "well Emily nice to meet you" Dad said and we went back upstairs.

Billie Joe Armstrong POV

Aria and her friend Emily went upstairs and I looked over at Ruby, "What's wrong?" she asked and I sighed. "I don't know what to do with her" I said and Ruby looked at me questioningly, "she's you daughter" Ruby answered and I looked at her deadpanned. "I know that but like Tina said to do something with her like go out and spend time with her but I've been gone for so long it's like I don't know her anymore" I said looking out the window.

"Well Billie maybe you can use this as a fresh start and take a break off music to spend time with her" Ruby suggested. "I'm sorry it's just everything's been so busy" I said and Ruby gave a sigh, "plus you need to take a break" she said just then the door bell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door only to get a surprise from Chester Bennington, "Hey Chester" I said casually. "Um what can i do for you?" I asked, "I'm here to pick up my daughter Emily" he said and my eyes went wide. "Emily's your daughter" I said in surprise, "come in please want a drink or something" I offered. "No it's fine I've got to go somewhere anyway" he said.

Aria Armstrong POV

"Aria, Emily come downstairs" I heard dad call and we both went down. When we got there I saw Chester in our livingroom and Emily ran towards him, "hey dad" she said and he ruffled her hair. "Hey kiddo" he said and gave her a side hug, "So this is the girl you've been talking about" Chester said smiling at me. "It's an honour to meet you" I said and Dad placed his hand on my shoulder. "Anyway we best be off" Chester said and I gave Emily a hug before seeing her off and she left.

"Go wash up I'm ordering pizza for dinner" Dad said and I nodded before going to wash up. After my shower I got changed into some sweats and a loose tee before going back downstairs.

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