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   I can hear them; the sound of their steady footsteps and  hushed breaths. I can smell the chemically altered gunpowder--which is meant to kill me--in all their deadly rifles. They are sent here for a reason. To kill. To kill me. I am an experiment gone wrong, a parasite--an abomination. I am the deadliest creature on the entire Earth, most likely even in the entire universe.

   The only weapon that could even pose a threat to me is the very substance that is held within the gunpowder in the army men's guns only a few feet away from me. I hide in a compartment that is concealed beneath a basement; it is a small, dark and musty space that is made to only hold four people--me and my family; my adopted family. They are the only family I have had ever since I was "born" and discarded of, thought dead.

   My eyes have already adjusted to the pitch darkness like night vision and I can clearly see my seven year old sister Courtney; her big, brown eyes are wide with fear and her skin is pale. She stares up at the ceiling of our compartment, listening to each footstep the army men take, for we can hear them moving dangerously near us. Her right hand clasps mine tightly while the other is balled up into a fist devoid of colour.

   I turn to face my mother and father; my mother has her head buried into my fathers shoulder while he clutches my sisters bone skinny forearms protectively. I watch them with sad and guilty eyes. They look like angels that are unfairly sent into the pitts of hell. I love them, and I will die for them without a second thought. 

   Suddenly, a bright light fills the compartment. No, no, no--they have found us. It is all over. I analyze all  the men that lean into the open roof of the compartment with their guns pointed at each of us steadily. Any move I make will be fatal, but I strike instinctively without a second thought. It is like my mind is a machine; I assess all of the possible threats above us and identify four men. Somehow I can see all of their weaknesses and I know who to take out first--the strongest of them all, the one with the strongest mind-set.

   All of these thoughts go through my mind in the next millisecond and I fling myself in front of my family, shielding them just as the shots start being fired. I feel like I am on fire, scorching pain starts radiating from several areas around my chest and forehead. My vision starts to fade, but with amazing power I suppress the pain and I leap up the fifteen feet that seperates us and the men and land in front of them. The weakest ones start to back away and even though the pain is excruciating I think about my family and what would become of them if I were to expire.

   I hold eyes with the strongest of them all, the one determined to kill me the most. They shoot at me some more but I run for my target, a man that is around the age of twenty and is heavily built. His piercing blue eyes unnerve me slightly but I advance towards him like a cat. He is not shooting, how unusual. He must have something else planned. Does he really think he could take me with two bare hands? How laughable. I spring to attack when I am a few feet away from him and in response he throws a white powder into my face while calmly stepping to the side.

   It is like my blood stops flowing, I drop to the ground feeling completely numb. The pain has stopped but I watch with wide eyes as a few of the men stand over the compartment and fire shots down on my family. A bright, white light engulfs my vision just as I hear courtneys high pitch scream, the cry of my parents and then silence, deathly silence. 


A/N: If you guys want to continue on with the story of Jessica who was created to be a weapon of mass destruction, check again in the next twelve hours and I will surely have chapter one up. I assure you that this story will grab your attention and hopefully keep you wanting more. I've put major planning into this and it definetely isn't the first novel I've ever written. I don't want to ruin anything so read on if you want to know what has happened to Jessica after all of this. I will be putting up Chapters at least once every two days after Chapter one has been put up so make sure you check! 

--Natalie :)

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