Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

  We drive in Chris' car and when I hit the highway, my feet slam on the accelerator and I swerve past cars, trying to get to my home as fast as possible. We will only be safe there. Chris sits in the passenger seat and places a hand on my arm in comfort, "Calm down, I'm sure everything is fine." 

   I meet his eyes behind my sunglasses and shake my head, I remember when I was as niave as him, thinking that the world is a friendly place and no one would want to harm me and the people around me because of what I am. 

   "Watch out!" Tammy's voice cries out from the backseat. She points in front of us where a shiny, black van has swerved and blocks our lane completely; I will not have time to change lanes. I know this was not done by mistake. 

   "I hope you have your seatbelts on everyone!" I shout with urgency. I spin the wheel all the way to the left in one swift motion and we swerve as well until the car tires are scraping against the road sideways and the side of Chris' car slams into the side of the van. 

   "My car!" I hear Chris shout as a rear view mirror snaps and clatters onto the road. I am surprised that he would worry about his car even in this life-threatening situation. 

   "Suck it up!" Tammy snaps at him. 

   Before I slam on the accelerator once again, I spot a middle aged man behind the wheel of the van with thick sunglasses on and an angry scowl worn on his wrinkled face. We lurch forward and I cut into the lane we were on beforehand and I watch the speed-meter as we hit one-forty. As we rush down the highway I glance at the rear view mirror and I sigh with relief when I don't spot the black van. But I know this is not over, they wouldn't give up so easily so they must have something else up their sleeves. 

   Chris is holding on to the sides of his car seat for dear life, his eyes are wide with shock, "I didn't know we could go this fast." He says stiffly. 

   "Well, now you know." I make an exit and go down a narrow road that is surrounded by trees. I feel several thoughts settling into my head at once; Jared is like me, whatever I am. I also know that there are people looking for me and it is most likely the military; all the people that wanted me dead years ago, the same people that killed my family. The only question that I have now is, how? 

   "Stay in the car." I speak with a cool tone when I park in the garage of my home. 

   I start to get out when Chris speaks up, "I'll come with you." 

   "No." me and Tammy say in unison. 

   "I helped you back at the hospital." Chris says, his soft, blue eyes pleading, "I'll watch your back." 

   I consider for a moment. It is just my home, right? "Fine, we will be safe here." I say. I give Tammy a reassuring look and she sighs, not meeting my eyes. I take that as a yes. 

   I notice how still and quiet my house is as we step in. The living room seems eerie, but everything is exactly as I left it before I went to the hospital. But something is not right, the slight smell of gun powder is in the air. I can hear a steady beeping from somewhere. "Mr. Yohamada?" My voice is barely beyond a whisper. 

   "Who's that?" Chris speaks in a normal tone and I slam a finger against his lips. 

   "Be quiet." I hiss. I slowly and relunctantly approach the middle of the room and I find him, Mr. Yohamada. 

   He is sprawled out on the floor in front of the couch and his eyes are closed, his mouth is slack. There is blood seeping out of his chest and staining his white shirt, I know he has lost almost all of his blood by now. I put my hands to my mouth and try to bite back my cry. The only thought running through my mind is, No, not you too. I gather him into my arms and I lay my head on his chest. 

   Suddenly, his eyes snap open and he grabs my wrists. His eyes are bloodshot and he wheezes an untillegable word while pointing at his throat. I can hear Chris shout out in surprise, but I ignore him, focusing on Mr. Yohamada even though I am taken by surprise as well. 

   "I can't understand." I whisper. I never thought that I cared about Mr. Yohamada, but now I finally understand what he means to me. He is like a father; he did create me, afterall. 

   "B-" He takes a deep, seemingly painful breath, "-omb," He finishes his sentence and he goes slack in my arms. He stares up at me, but I know he isn't really looking at me, he is gone now. I push the pain away from my mind for the time being and focus on what he was talking about. I recall that he had said something about a-

   "Bomb." Chris says, "There's a bomb down his throat!" 

   I freeze and carefully place my ear next to his throat. The steady beeping that I heard earlier returns. 

   "Run!" I shout as the beeping gets faster.    


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. This is where the adventure starts in the book, a lot more is going to happen so make sure you tune in! Tell me what you think!

--Natalie :)

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