Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

   While keeping a keen eye on Chris, my eyelids start to flutter and I feel sleep start to take over. I lay down beside his motionless body and rest my head over his steadily moving chest. Soon, Chris will become one of us and I am nervous as to what his reaction will be. Would he hate me for changing his life forever?

   "What the hell are you doing here?" Jared's voice pulls me off of the edge of sleep and I whip my head up just in time to see him close the penthouse room door behind him. He looks utterly defeated.

   I purse my lips an stand, "I don't know where else to go."

   Jared shakes his head, "You lied to me, get out now."

   His voice makes my bones shake and I wince, but try to seem strong, "I never lied to you, Jared. I told you that I wasn't going to tell you where the chemical was." I offered pathetically, but at the same time I felt bad. Why? I didn't know.

   Jared scoffs, "Whatever, you need to go."

   "I can make you a deal." I say hastily.

   Jared narrows his eyes at me, "I'm listening."

   I let out a long sigh and reach into my hoodie pocket. I show him the vial. There is still almost half of the chemical left and that must have been enough for Jared because his eyes widened when he saw it and he takes a step towards me.

   A point a finger at him warningly, "Now, here's the deal. First of all, you tell me why you need this chemical so badly, you're perfect enough as it is. Secondly, you give me my powers back, and thirdly, you help me hunt down the AIO."

   Jared looks hesitant, but after a few more seconds he sighs and finally gives in, "Deal, there's something you need to know."


   "You will be under my care from here on out." A stunning guy that couldn't be any more than twenty years of age spoke coolly and kept his hazel eyes leveled with hers. He had jet-black hair and long lashes that only made him look more gorgeous.Even though he should have been a threat, Tammy felt somewhat safe around him. He held her firmly by the shoulders and led her away from the other two men that kindly escorted her from the safety of her home and into this shit-hole.

   When they were hearing distance away from the other men, she finally chose to speak up, "So you're one of them, eh? Can you maybe tell me why the hell I'm here?"

   Taking her by surprise, he pulled her down a pair of staircases and into a small room that had stone walls, floors and a stone ceiling. "What--" She started to protest but he put a hand to her lips.

   "I'm not one of them." He said quickly, "I'm human, and I am here to help."

   Tammy narrowed her eyes at him, "Who sent you?"

   "The Anti Inhuman Organism Abuse System." He spoke quickly.

   Tammy smiled stupidly, still dazed by his looks, "Wow, that's a mouthful."

   The guy pursed his very kissable lips and held Tammy firmly by her shoulders, "Look, you'll be in the AIO's hands for a few days before I can get proper backup. They won't do anything bad to you until they have manufactured your own personal chip."

   Tammy started to pull her self out of her love struck trance and focused on his words, "Wait, why am I here?" She demanded hastily.

   "They are turning humans into drones, and because you and your friends know about their organization, they are trying to collect each and every one of you and 'change' you." The guy filled her in quickly.

   "Okay, but--" At that very second the door at the top of the metal steps swung open and a feminine figure stood, leaning against the door frame. Tammy's heart almost stopped when she recognized the long, golden-blonde waves, her amazing electric blue eyes and overall petitness. It was Dinah.


   Back at the penthouse suite, Chris peeled open his eyes just in time to come in contact with the tense atmosphere. Jessica was extremely close to Jared and they were speaking in hushed voices, but he caught most of their conversation. They were talking about some sort of deal and he was extremely surprised when she started talking about trying to go against the AIO. He felt even more angrier when she made a deal with Jared and never mentioned his name even once.

   He knew that he should probably let them know he was awake now and respect their privacy, but for some reason he didn't care in the least. He didn't care that he had no clue how he got here, he didn't care that he felt weird all over, nor did he care that he had a vague memory of being shot by Dinah who was supposed to be dead.


   "Do you wanna go out and talk?" I ask, glancing back at Chris' motionless body.

   Jared shrugs and pulls out the room key, "Let's go."

   We end up only going as far as the lobby downstairs. I sit cross-legged with my head propped up on my hand while Jared leans back against the chair and looks up at the ceiling.

   "Now, it's time to answer my question." I say, "Why do you need that chemical?"

   Jared purses his lips and sighs as if exhaling the life in him, "I'm gonna be dead in a few weeks without it."



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