Chapter 11

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Chapter 11  

  I grab Chris and carry him into my arms, sprinting towards the garage. This only takes a few seconds because of my unnatural speed. I throw him into the passenger seat and get in just as the whole house starts shaking violently. The roof of the garage starts to shake and rock begins to crack and break away.

   "What's going on!" Tammy shouts, her voice barley audible over the thunderous rumbling of the demolishing house. I start to wish that I took my mentor with me, he does not deserve to be buried under rock and shattered furnitures. He deserves a proper burial. I feel a sharp pain in my chest as I remember how he was just warming up to me this afternoon. That was before I decided to go to the hospital and check on Tammy for myself.

   I focus on reality and back away from the falling rubble as fast as I can. I can hear patterned blasts going on inside the house, there are more bombs than the one I found inside my mentor. "What the hell!" I hear Dinah scream. She has probably come out of her zombie-mode. 

   I swear as a big pile of rubble blocks the garage door, there is no way to escape. At least by car. "Everyone get out of the car!" I shout and push my car door open, ripping it from the hinges entirely. I toss the piece of metal to the side. I turn to face Chris, Dinah and Tammy. They have already exited the vehicle and I don't waste time before I start to bark out orders. "The whole ceiling will collapse in about thirty-seconds," I turn and kick open a door that leads to the thick forest that surrounds us, "we are going to run as fast as we can and as far away from this building as possible." I pause when I hear a slight beeping. Oh no. I look closely at Chris' car and I notice a small speck, it is the teeniest bomb I have ever seen.

   There is only ten-seconds left before it explodes. 

   "Run!" I screech. 

   Everyone panics and bolts for the door. I stay behind and make sure everyone has left. Tammy and Dinah get out first and next is Chris. He sends me a look before he follows them. I can read in his eyes that he is telling me to be careful. I nod swiftly, but I know that it will be a miracle if we get away from this bomb fast enough.

   An idea hits me. I have super speed, don't I?

   I run towards Chris and carry him into my arms--just like before--without a second thought. I do the same with Dinah and Tammy when I catch up to them and take them as far as I can. I jump over the body of water that surrounds our home and leap over the stone fence.

   It is then that the bomb explodes.

   A strong force pushes me with amazing strength and suddenly I cannot hear a thing. The world is suddenly quiet and there is a feeble ringing in my ears as a strong wave of heat engulfs us. We topple off of a short cliff and we tumble down, slamming into several rocks and sharp objects on our way down. I close my eyes as I slip away from consciousness and I black out when we finally hit stable ground and stop moving. 


   Tammy opens her eyes and takes in the beautiful beach in front of her. She can feel several bruises and teared skin in almost every part of her body. This whole experience had felt like a dream--no, a nightmare--so far and she was just waiting to wake up. She looked up at the short cliff they had managed to tumble off of and saw the burning house that they had just escaped from narrowly. 

   Whoever was out for Jessica really wanted her dead. The night sky stretched out above her and she could see the stars clearly from here. There was also a large body of water that stretched out for miles and miles in the horizon. A subtle breeze kissed her face. 

   Chris and Dinah get up almost seconds after she had woken up, each groaning as their bodies reacted to the fall. Chris himself was feeling like he was caught in the middle of an action movie, to think that just a measly day ago he was the biggest player in town. A normal teenager, with normal hormones. Not someone who had to worry about being killed and about abnormal and yet fascinating creatures who lurked around. 

   He ignored the subtle pain that ripped through some parts of his body and focused on Jessica. Her eyes were closed and her face was pale. Around her body were deep gashes that were probably worse than what any of them had gotten from the fall. It looked like something that could kill a human. Chris moved towards her and placed a hand on her wrist, feeling for a pulse--if she even had one to begin with. He was surprised to find a dull thud that occurred every few seconds, getting faster and faster. 

   Dinah, Chris and Tammy observed Jessica's body as her torn skin and muscle began to reattach itself and her skin began to return to its healthy--yet unbelievably pale and exotic--complexion. The only effects that remained from the fall that had occurred beforehand was the dirt that had gathered on her skin. Chris thought that it was amazing. Tammy was still recovering from her shock and Dinah was just plain terrified. She inched away from Jessica's healing body vigorously, her pretty face turned down in horror.

   "W-What the h-hell is h-happening to her!" Dinah stammered. "T-this isn't h-happening!" She stood and ran away from Chris and Tammy and that thing. Her friends, the only humans here, didn't even seem to be affected by what was happening. She could hear Tammy calling out to her but she kept running, hoping this wasn't real. She ignored the responding pain of her bruised body as her feet hit the sand steadily until there was no strength left in her body and she threw herself into the sand and let the tears fall. The shock was way too much, it felt like everything she knew in her perfect world was breaking away, bit by bit. 

   "Pretty girls like you shouldn't be crying." A male voice above her spoke steadily, his tone cold and deadly. 

   Dinah looked up to find a man dressed in all black looming over her. He wore dark sunglasses and looked to be in his early twenties. He had a gun held loosely in his hands, pointing it at her head, as if he didn't even have to put in any effort to kill her. 

   "Where is G67W, known as Jessica?" He demanded. She could see death in his beady eyes; he looked kind of like a rat. He was "buffed up" and his muscles seemed to attempting to rip apart his too-tight clothes. There was something wrong with this guy too, he didn't seem one hundred percent human. 

   Dinah was too scared to speak, the sight of an intimidating gun being directed at her left her shaking violently. "Please don't kill me." She whispered, her voice shook as well.

   The man smiled, his cold and sharp features hardly moving at all, "What a pitiful thing." He says. His tone is dismissive.

   She heard a sharp click.

   "Ah, out of bullets." The man sighed, "I guess I'll just have to use my bare hands." He tossed the gun to the ground beside her and cracked his knuckles, "I'll make this quick for you."

   Dinah crawled away from him with wide eyes, "I'll tell you everything, I know where she is!" She screamed, "I'll lead you to her!" 

   "Not on my watch." Chris' voice came from behind her and in the next second there was a bullet hole placed cleanly into the man's forehead. 

   They both watched in horror as a smirk spread on the man's pale and cruel face, he moved towards Chris, not even affected by the bullet, laughing in a robotic tone. 


A/N: So I posted two Chapters today! I only put this one up because of a certain someone @xxElmoLovesMoixx , anyway I hope you enjoyed this one! There will be a new Chapter up by tommorrow. Remember, there's a new chapter for every new day! Thanks for all my fans out there, especially @tokiohotelfan and @narwhal_luv for all their support! You guys are the best ;) 


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