Chapter one

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Chapter one

   "My name is Jessica Sojin, I am from Los Angeles California, I was born as an only child and both my parents died in a car crash, I was adopted by my uncle when I was six years old and I now reside with him." I speak with a clear tone and stare straight ahead with blank eyes. 

   My mentor nods approvingly, "You are not to come into contact with anyone at our new residence and you definetely cannot stand out," He walks with his hands clasped behind his back and his lips pursed. "You must fit in Jessica, your life depends on it." 

   "May I ask a question sir?" I ask blankly. That is the only way I ever talk to my mentor; in a toneless, emotionless manner that fits his harsh and stiff demeanor. He is in his mid-thirties but he might as well be seventy years of age. His hair is already greying from life-long stress and premature wrinkles are forming on his forehead and beside his mouth that always seemed to be pulled down in an uptight manner.  His real name is Mr.Yohamada and as fun as it is to say, his personality is the exact opposite. He now instructs that I call him either by the title of 'sir' or 'mentor'. 

  His dark, brown, beady eyes hold mine, "You may." He said, his tone is contradicting and slightly impatient. I am sure he would like to continue his lecture even though I have already memorized his words and stored it away neatly in my mind. 

   "Where exactly, may I ask, are we going this time?" 

   "Houstan, Texas." He replies curtly, "It's not too big and hopefully you won't screw up like you did back in Canada." I suppress the flash of pain that whips through me, the memories never fail to break my non-existant, mechanical heart. I always wonder why he repeatedly reminds me of that night, the night my family and his got killed because of me. That was also the night that he saved my life and hid me from the rest of the world.

   Mr.Yohamada is the the one that created me. After the government and the military discovered such an extravagant machine that could pose a threat to all of civilization they took me under their wing and tried to use me for several missions and wars that had only one outcome; death. As I saw how many people I was killing, I refused to comply to their wishes so they simply took out my battery and left me for dead. They thought I couldn't survive without a power source, but they were wrong. I was unstoppable, and more human-like than machine-like. I didn't need batteries, I could function fine without them. Anyways, Mr. Yohamada's family took me in shortly after and that was the worst mistake they could have ever made. After they died, Mr. Yohamada found me and--in the terrible state I was left in--put me back together, making me even stronger than before. Now we had to avoid any contact with the media because if the government knows I'm still living, they will tear up the Earth to get to me. 

   "I cannot highlight how important it is for you to seclude yourself from your classmates and more importantly, never, I repeat never let anyone take your picture." His voice is sharp as he scolds me. 

  "Yes sir." I reply dryly. 

   My mentor nods in dissmisal and exits the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and guilt that never seems to dissapear. I lie on my bed and think about my family and how I wronged them. I wish that what I saw that day was a mirage and that they were still alive, laughing and smiling everyday like normal people. I wish that I was never created or at least, I wish that parasites like me don't feel the emotional pain I feel every night when I am left alone to think. 


A/N: This chapter is kind of short but that's because I'm kind of under pressure time wise, but a little is better than nothing. I hope the people reading enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to comment and rate, or even become a fan! I appreciate every single person that takes the time to read my book and I am extremely  grateful for every view I get, so thanks guys! 

p.s. I promise that the action will intensify and some other enjoyable elements will be incorporated as well as the chapters progress so read on!


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