Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

  I charge right for Jared and roundhouse-kick the back of his knees before he can react. He staggers into the hospital room but still has a strong grip on his rifle. 

   "I should have known that it was you." I say, remembering the man that had been with the female the day before.

   Jared smirks and tucks the rifle into a sling that is wrapped tightly around his waist, "I'll take you on with my bare hands." I look him in the eyes steadily and that's when I start to notice that he is wearing contacts as well. 

   "Stay back!" I shout in Chris and Tammy's direction, never taking my eyes off Jared. There is something extrememly dangerous about him, I just can't figure out what yet. Not now when I am in battle mode. Jared and I circle each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. I do not underestimate him; his over-confidence means that he is hiding something, I have to be careful. 

   Jared strikes first, moving faster than any human could. He knees me in the gut and I stagger backwards, suppressing a cry of pain. I recover in a second and stretch my legs up, trying to kick him at the side of his head. He blocks my attempt easily and twists my leg back with amazing strength. Pain that I cannot even try to describe ripples through my body but I ignore it and jump, letting out a battle cry, and using my other leg to kick him square in the face. I drop to the ground, but I use my hands as a support before my head can hit the ground. I jump right back up and go into a fighting stance. The pain in my leg remains, but I try not to let it affect my performance. 

   "Fiesty." The smirk doesn't leave Jared's face as he wipes the blood off his nose, "You're strong, but I'm much, much stronger."

   He charges towards me and attempts to deliver a blow to my head with his fist. I grab his fist before it can collide with my face and I twist it, trying to break his hand. He tries to kick my legs out from under me but I use my other hand and block his attempts swiftly. I am too focused on blocking off his legs and when he shoves his other fist around and delivers a nasty blow to the side of my head I am taken by surprise. My vision blurs and my contacts fall out. I let go of his fist and hit the ground, he is much too strong for me. 

   Jared stands over me and grins evily down at my motionless body. The pain that is rippling through my body is unbearable but I still manage to look him in the eye with anger, and I clench my teeth. To think that a few hours ago, this guy was a normal teenage boy who seemed to be actually interested in someone like me. The current Jared raises his foot up above my face and I know what's coming next, I close my eyes. 

   I hear the sound of metal colliding with skin. I open my eyes and look up to find Chris looming over Jared, a metal chiar in his hands. Jared's eyes are closed, but I know he is not dead, he is unsconcious and he will wake up soon. 

   I slowly--and painfully--pull myself upward and speak with a cold tone, "You guys need to come with me, I do not care if you are freaked out, I will explain later. Please just come." I make eye contact with a wide-eyed Tammy, "It is not safe here for any of you anymore." 

   "What's going on?" I turn my head around and spot Dinah by the doorway. Great.

   "Nothing, we were just leaving." I say, trying to take control of the situation.

   Dinah spots Jared's motionless body and lets out a yelp, "What'd you guys do to Jared!" She attempts to run to him but I block her with my arm.

   I grab her firmly by the shoulders and look into her eyes, trying to use my abilities to persuade her, "You will come with us with no complaints, you will not make a sound." I say unwaveringly. Her eyes become glazed over and she nods her head in agreement. 

   I turn to Chris and Tammy, "They will kill anyone I have ever spoken with, please, you need to trust me." 

   A long silence settles in the room and I shift impatiently from foot to foot, Chris is staring down at Jared as if he has ran across the world in five minutes. Tammy is still in shock and she stares at me, trying to wrap her brain around the situation. She then looks at Chris with worry in her eyes and finally nods her head, "I'll go with you--we'll go with you." Her voice shakes. She starts pulling out the various tubes from her body and shakily stands on her feet, "I'm ready." She says, her voice weak.

   I nod at her and make eye contact with Chris before grabbing a blank eyed Dinah by the arms. I reach into my jacket and put my sunglasses on to hide my mirror eyes and I lead the way out of the hospital. I know Jared will be waking up any time now and the only safe place I can think of now is my home. 


A/N: You guys must have a lot of questions like: what the hell happened to Jared? Why did Jessica just happen to be there? Who is trying to track down Jessica? Read on to find out the answers to your questions! ;) Comment if you are confused and ask any questions that won't be spoilers for the next Chapter! 

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