Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

   Chris shot at the thing some more but it just kept moving towards him with a smirk upon it's lips, it was unstoppable. "Shit." He muttered to himself and started to back away, never taking his eyes off of it. The thing was now basically soaked with blood, but it still managed to keep that unnerving smirk on its face.  

   There was nothing more that he could do. The beach was too wide to hide and if he ran he was sure he would only get a few feet before it would catch up to him. He was basically powerless, the only weapon he had on hand was the useless gun--

   He heard Dinah's shriek as she shoved a sharp stone into the back of the things neck. It's eyes widened in shock and it's pupils dilated. It froze and fell face first in the sand. 

   Dinah and Chris both stared at it's bleeding corpse in shock for almost a few minutes, and taking him by surprise, Dinah flew into Chris' arms and buried her head into his chest, bawling out in tears. He patted her back, whispering comforting words into her ears. Suddenly this whole action movie was becoming terrifyingly real.


    I hold the book I had grabbed and tucked into my back pocket before leaving my house tightly in my arms. Tammy has chosen not to speak to me and she stares out at the ocean, lost in her own thoughts. This hand-written book holds all the answers I have been looking for my whole life within it's pages and I can not wait to start reading it. It is the only thing I have left of my mentor. I shove aside the stab of pain and guilt that I feel as a result of thinking about Mr. Yohamada's death. I begin to read so that my thoughts can settle elsewhere:

   Day 1--The Beggining

   There is a discarded body that I found at the side of the street a few hours ago. The tattered teenage girl is on the very edge of death and is absolutely beautiful, while at the same time abused and maltreated. I decided to take her in and use her corpse to complete Project X. She died on the way back to the lab so I surmised to make further observations on her death. She died primarily of hunger and malnutrition, she also showed signs of desecration and ill-treatment. There were bruises that littered her corpse and I can tell how rigorous her life might have been. Such a pity, really. 

   I have concluded on doing something divergent on this project. I will create a solution that will alter her blood and DNA until it has reached the highest degree of performance. She will have every human characteristic that an average individual attains, except completely exalted and more advanced. My plans have many flaws, but through concentration and vigorous efforts, I can completely surpass any challenges--

  "What the hell is that!" Tammy stands up, interrupting me, and stares down at the body that Dinah and Chris have dragged across the sand. The body is soaked with blood and littered with bullet holes and clumps of sand and sticks to the body in several areas. If I am human, it would be difficult to guess whether it is a girl or boy. I stand as well and move in closer to them. Dinah has her hands wrapped tightly around her body and she backs away from me as I near their little group. Her eyes are red and glossed with tears. 

   I turn to Chris, "What happened?" I demand in exhaustion, will we ever get a chance to just relax and try to figure out what to do next?

   "He found Dinah in the sand and he didn't die when I tried shooting at him," He drops a gun on the sand next to me. I would question him about how he had gotten access to a weapon later, "Dinah stabbed him in the neck, apparently there was a chip there."

   At that second the dead man opens his eyes and he looks around in terror, he shows normal human behaviour. He takes in a wheezing breath and stares at all of us one by one. Dinah edges farther away from the group with a hand to her mouth, trying to stifle her cry. "Where am I?" The man chokes. He looks at me and his eyes widen with horror, "No, no, not you. It's because of you!" He cried. 

   I squat down next to him and look him in the eye, "I," I point to myself, "am not dangerous. I don't want to hurt you."

   He shakes his bleeding and dismantled face, not seeming to feel any pain, "I know, but they do. They want to kill you, they are kidnapping and altering normal people and attempting to create drones." His voice cracks and he takes several breaths within each word. It seems like he is remembering some things. 

   It takes me a few seconds to wrap my brain around his words, "Who exactly is they?" I question, my voice barely above a whisper.

   The question puts him into a higher state of fear, "They call themselves the AIO, Anti Inhuman-Organisms. They want to find things like you and exterminate them." He points at me with a shaking hand. "If you do not kill yourself, they will surely kill you." 

   He grabs the gun that is only a few inches from his hand, putting it to his head and pulling the trigger before we can react. His head explodes into tiny bits and we are all instantly splattered with blood, apart from Dinah who has settled herself into the sand a few feet away from us and cries quietly, her golden blonde curls hide her pretty face. 

   I look at the gun in the dead mans hands and consider what it would feel like to just give up and let death take me. "Let's move." I say. My tone is dead cold and almost robotic. 


A/N: So here's Chapter 12. I hope you liked it and maybe one or two questions you might have had will have been answered. I promise to try and un-confuse you guys during the course of the next few chapters, anyways, tata and have a great day!! :)

---Natalie :)

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