Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 **The person in the Multimedia is Jessica**

   "You're a real bitch, you know that?" Jared says as he collapses into the drivers seat, "Why did you do that?"

   I shrug, "You deserved it for what you did to me and my uncle." I murmur and try to ignore the dull pain in my hands. I remember how tightly I had been gripping the glass shards and now there was one long and deep jaggared cut that ran along my palm. The pain should be bothering me, but I didn't want to seem weak in front of Jared so I shove my hand into my hoodie's pocket, deciding to treat it later.

   "I never had a hand in the death of your uncle." Jared says smoothly as he shoves the key into the ignition, still kinda pissed off about my kicking him in the balls and stabbing him.

   I snort, "Liar."

   Jared shrugs and makes a U turn, speeding down the narrow road once again. I am glad none of us are speaking because I am grinding my teeth and trying to bite back the numbing pain that is starting to grow in my hand.

   We are speeding down the streets of Milan when Jared finally speaks up, "Okay, why have I been smelling blood for the past fifteen minutes?" He turns his head and his eyes widen, "Holy crap!" He almost shouts, "do you need a pad?"

   I only stare at him, confused, and stop grinding my teeth for a few seconds and look down at my body. The hoodie which my injured hand is shoved into, is drenched with blood that has stained the crotch of my leggings as well.

   Horrified by his question, I go beet red, "No, I'm not on my period, I cut my hand." I sigh and ignore the pain as I pull my hand out my hoodie and show him the deep gash.

   Jared's award winning reaction was a single, "Ew." As he faced the road again and switched lanes.

   "What a manly response." I mumble and shove my hand back in my pocket, I knew he wouldn't care enough to help.

   "I'm taking you to the hospital aren't I? If that's not a manly reaction then I don't know what is." I only notice now that Jared had made an exit from the highway we were once on and we quickly move towards a huge building with a single 'H' on the top of it.

   "Oh." I say, taken off guard. "Thanks." I add reluctantly and I stare at Jared's perfectly aligned features as he throws his sunglasses on. I didn't get a 'you're welcome' though, Jared just purses his lips and gives me a slight nod. Huh, maybe he wasn't a complete loser after all.


   Chris forced his eyes open and started to stretch his sore limbs as a result of sleeping on a small, hard chair all through the night while Courtney forbode him from sharing the only bed in the room with her.He spotted a small piece of paper on the bed and he picked it up into his hands. Courtney's curvy hand writing only took up a small section of the page:

   Getting back-up


   He didn't try to understand what she was talking about and concluded that it probably was for the best. But now he was left alone, in an empty hotel room with absolutely nothing to do. He stood there for a few seconds until it suddenly dawned on him that he was in Milan, one of the biggest cities in Italy. He mentally slapped himself for almost considering to stay in his tiny motel room and threw a jacket on and started heading downstairs, not knowing what he would find when he reached there.

   Meanwhile, Tammy stood face to face with the dangerous men in front of her. "I'll go with you." She said calmly.

   Her dad started to protest and one of the men shot at the floor a few centimeters away from his foot, "Stay where you are." The man said coolly.

   Taking Courtney by surprise, the tallest one out of all of them--who also seemed to be the leader, turned around and swiftly placed a bullet hole into the other man's head; the one that had almost mauled her father's toes. Tammy's redheaded mother cried out in surprise and Tammy had to try hard not to show any emotion towards what had just happened, while on the inside she was freaking out.

   "Don't act without my consent." The tall leader said to the other man's dead body. He turned to face Tammy once again, "Now come with us." 

   Tammy took in a deep breath, "Let's go."


   I frown down at my neat, bandaged hand. I never in my life thought that I will actually need something like this and now it is just starting to dawn on me that I truly am human now, and I may remain human for the rest of my life.

   The thought is comforting, but it also leaves me feeling uneasy. The fact that I had supernatural powers was like my shield. It protected me from all danger and now I am exposed to every single organization out there that wants me dead.

   "Does it hurt?" Jared asks as he walks into the hotel room.

   "No." I lie.

   Jared grins sheepishly and his straight, white teeth seem to be shining, "That's what you get for trying to kill me."

   I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest, wincing when I put too much pressure on my injured hand,  "Whatever, I'll be right back."

   I start to pass by Jared, but he catches my arm lightly, "Where do you think you're going?"

   I pull my arm away from his hold angrily, "Wherever the hell I want to go." Or in other words, the bathroom.

   Jared shrugs, "Fine, whatever. But remember, you're being watched at all times, so escaping is nearly impossible."I don't say anything else to him and I walk briskly out of the room. Sometimes I just want to break that pretty face of his.

   I round a sharp corner and I stop dead in my heels when I see Chris. He is just as shocked as me and he says one single word, "Jessica."

   I feel my cheeks pulling up into a smile. "You found me."


A/N: I'm back guys and I'm still going to be updating daily! I hope you liked this Chapter, and if you did; vote, comment and all of that. Thanks for reading guys!


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