Chpater 19

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Chapter 19

   Jared smirked to himself and flicked the vial that held one of the ingredients that would lead to his success. The fizzy, light pink substance that he had extracted from Jessica's heart swished around the vial violently. He only needed one more ingredient and his plan would be complete, he would be the ultimate hybrid, even more superior than Jessica. 

   He had let everyone know that as an effect of the drug he injected into Jessica's body, she would be completely weak for a few days--almost like a human, but he was a great liar. She would never return to her original form--ever. Not as long as she was missing the very substance that he had in his hands from her system. Chris was quite a dumb-ass, he watched with his own eyes as Jared took away the very solution that made Jessica a hybrid when he was claiming that he was ' just taking the poison out.' 

   He laughed to himself, he really was having a great day. Now, all he had to do was ransack Mr. Yohamada's old labs and try to locate chemical Y, the same chemical that made Jessica's transformation complete. After all of that, the one imperfection that he had been trying to get rid of since he was 'created,' would no longer exist.


   "So you used to be able to actually read my thoughts?" Chris asks. His ocean blue eyes sparkle with interest and he leans in closer to me across the pure white dinner table. 

   I shake my head, "No, more like I could sense your different moods, similar to intuition but one hundred percent advanced."

   "Bummer." Chris says in a playful kind of disappointment.

   "Why is it a bummer?" I ask.

   "Because you don't know what I really think about you." Chris says, he smiles at me and I start to notice that he has cute little dimples at the side of his stunning smile. I mentally slap myself, what the hell is wrong with me? Cute little dimplesStunning smile? What am I thinking? Maybe this is an effect of me being human. 

   "And what do you really think of me, Chris?" I ask, genuinely curious. 

   Chris looks at the stainless, wooden table and holds eyes my eyes with his. Suddenly there is no humour in his almond shaped eyes, and he has an intense look on his face, "I--"

   "Jessica, I need to talk to you." Jared stands a few feet away from us, he wears thick sunglasses and his hands are shoved into his pockets, "Alone." He adds, looking pointedly at Chris. 

   I look at Chris and I speak to him with my eyes, willing him to leave. Chris looks at me for four whole seconds before he speaks again, quietly this time, "Be careful." He says and walks out of the room quickly. 

   I purse my lips as Jared takes Chris' seat. "What do you want, Jared?" I ask coldly. Even though my advanced intuition is momentarily gone, I can still tell that Jared is bad news. I can tell that he is only playing nice because he has ulterior motives.

   He takes off his sunglasses to reveal his mirror-eyes that are identical to how mine used to be, except his are a deep emerald green. "I need to ask you a very important question." 

   I lean back on my seat, but never take my eyes off his, "You may ask." I say passively. 

   "Where is Chemical Y?" Jared asks, "We need to find it, and destroy it."

   "I don't know what you're talking about." I say smoothly. 

   Jared leans towards me and the pitch-black middle of his mirror eyes expands. "Do not lie to me." He says rather aggressively. 

   I lean in closer to him as well, attempting to show him that he definitely does not scare me, "I am not a liar."

   But in fact, I am. I remember what I found only a full twenty-four hours ago:

   I lie in bed and close my eyes. I am not a hybrid--at least for a while, I am now a human; I can handle it. I repeat those words steadily in my mind a couple of times. My body is still kind of recovering from the pain that dying and coming back to life has caused me. I am bed-ridden for the first time in my entire life and I feel nervous and anxious. I need to be moving and be doing my job, which is protecting.

   Courtney has come to visit me more than five times and just a few minutes ago she came in again to tell me that she will be leaving for a full two days and there will be no way to leave the house till then and for the first time in my life, I feel completely bored. I talk myself into trying to locate Mr. Yohamada's journal and read more about my creation. I remember how I had thrown it across the room in anger just a few hours ago. I stand on my shaky legs and a wave of pain ripples from my chest; I bite back a cry and take a deep breath when I spot the journal all the way across the room, close to the door. 

   I close the distance between me and the journal--which takes me one painful minute--and I spot the tiniest bottle I have ever seen. It is a few feet away from the tattered book which indicates that it must have fallen from the inside of the journal. I slowly take the vial into my hands and I notice that there is a piece of paper attached to the lid of the vial by a string. I look closely at the words on the sheet;

   G67W, I must be dead if you have found this. This is the key to the creation of hybrids such as yourself, do not misplace this, for it is the only one left on Earth; it is only meant for your use.

   Be safe now,

   Mr. Yohamada.

   I tear my eyes away from the letter, trying to suppress the guilt that comes over me whenever I think about Mr. Yohamada. I look carefully at the vial and notice that there is a sticker placed on the front, scrawled in my mentors loopy handwriting, are the words Chemical Y. What is this supposed to mean? Do I have the ability to create another hybrid? 

  I return to the present and I wear the perfect poker face. "You're a good liar, Jessica, but at some point you're going to tell me what I need to know." Jared sneers.

   I smirk at him and cross my arms, "I never break, Jared, no matter what you do to me." 

   It looks like Jared is about to retort but Dinah bursts into the kitchen, she points a finger at Jared. "I remember, I remember everything! You're not here to help Jessica, you--" 

   Before I can blink an eye, Jared is in front of Dinah and he has snapped her neck with one flick of his wrist. Her deep blue eyes go blank and she drops to the ground.

   Jared spins around and points a gun at me before I can move, "Don't do anything hasty now, Jessica. You're going to do as I say from here on out." 


A/N: What a mediocre chapter, eh? Well I'll make up for it on Chapter 20. Remember to comment and vote, vote, VOTE!! ;) and good call 

--Nataliee :D

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