Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

   "Calm down Jared and put the gun away." I speak calmly and put my hands up in the air. I glance at Dinah's corpse and I feel a stab of guilt.

   Jared sighs, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you just don't want to cooperate, no one does." Before I can blink an eyes, Jared has closed the distance between us and he has a gun fixed against the side of my head. His other arm is wrapped around my shoulders tightly, enabling me from escaping. This is exactly what I was dreading; if I had my powers, I would have snapped his arm in half. 

   "We're going to leave quietly now, if you make a sound I'll kill you, then your boyfriend." Jared hisses in my ear.

   I try to suppress the anger and frustration I feel and I speak calmly, but my voice is stiff, "You wouldn't kill me, you need me alive." I spit.

   Jared shoves the mouth of the gun against my temple, roughly. I bite my lips to suppress my cry as a sharp pain erupts in my head and my vision blurs. "I thought I told you to be quiet," Jared sneers and starts shoving me towards the door, I take one shaky step after another and try to steady myself, "Plus, I don't need you alive, it would just help." 

   I still feel drowsy from the gun being slammed against my temple and I am not surprised when I can't grip on to consciousness anymore. I feel my body tipping towards Jared before I black out completely.

   Being human sucks.


   "What the hell's going on!" Chris could hear Tammy's voice exclaim from the kitchen and he jumped to his feet and ran, wondering what happened this time.

   He spotted Tammy standing over a motionless Dinah. Dinah's face wasn't a sweet rosy colour anymore, it was a pale-white and her eyes stared up blankly at the ceiling above. Her hair was scattered around her like a mane. Chris had to hold on to the door frame for support. "Oh my god," He breathed, "where's Jessica?" He asked. Jared's face flashed across his mind and a deep feeling of dread came over him.

   Tammy's moss green eyes flicked up and she seemed to be putting puzzle pieces together in her mind, "Jared killed Dinah and then he kidnapped Jessica. There's a huge gaping hole at the side of the house so that's how they got out," Her eyes widened as she seemed to understand more of the situation, "oh no, I think they may be working together." She shook her head, "It's the only reasonable explanation, Jessica returns to her human form, while in return, she helps Jared with whatever the hell he's trying to do." 

    Chris frowned, forgetting momentarily about Dinah's corpse, "That doesn't sound right, Tammy." 

   Tammy shakes her short, fiery red hair, "People aren't always as they seem, Chris. Why else would they kill Dinah? She had probably walked in on her plans or something, that's why Dinah wanted to kill Jessica so badly earlier, she said she was just trying to protect us, didn't she!" Tammy was starting to sound a little bit off--crazy.

   Chris started to realize that Tammy's best friend had just died and her corpse was only a few feet away from her. He took a reluctant step towards her, "Calm down, Tam." He whispered.

   Tammy shook her head, "That bitch has always been effed up," She took a cutting knife from the counter and pointed it at Chris, "and you're not gonna go try to be a hero and 'save' her, I'm gonna call nine-one-one and report this whole stupid situation and try to get help so that we can get our lives back."

   "Yeah sure, go ahead and call them, crazy, but I'm never talking to you again!" Chris spoke frigidly and turned sharply, trying to get as far away from her as possible. 

   "I'm doing this for your own good!" He could hear Tammy shout from behind him as he walked away. 

   Ha, what a sucker. He thought, right when he strode into the living room. Maybe he wasn't such a bad liar after all.

   He spotted the gaping hole that Tammy had been talking about. It let in a chilly breeze and he could see that the sun was setting and a few stars littered the sky. He took a deep breath and closed the distance between him and the hole in the wall. He stared down at the body of water that was hundreds of feet below him and jumped just as Tammy walked into the room.


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