Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

  Chris couldn't stop thinking about Jessica. Even while he was waiting to hear from the doctors regarding his sister. They made him leave the hospital and go home--while his parents stayed behind, saying that his presence wouldn't change the results of his sisters surgery. They said that it was a miracle that Tammy had fought for her life all the way to the hospital; the bullet was too close to her heart. 

   But something supernatural had happened that day, something that he was having a hard time believing himself, even though he had seen it happen. Jessica had survived the round of bullets that were shot into her, she was alive and she didn't even show any pain on her face. He would have blamed it on hullicination, but he still had her blood splattered all over his body. The police had questioned him, asking what happened, but he said that the females partner had snapped his partners neck and ran off after she shot Tammy. He never included Jessica in the story because even though they had only met, he felt like she had a secret, something worth more than he could even imagine, and he felt like it was his duty to protect it. 

   An idea hit him at that very moment, and he washed most of the blood away, pulled on a hoodie and ran for the door.


   After I healed and washed all the blood off me, I go back to the crime scene and wash all my blood from that very washroom. I can't help but wonder if Tammy is still alive, I was not able to protect her and I will find out before I leave town tonight. 

   The moment I turn around to leave the crime scene, I see Chris leaning against the door frame, a grave look in his eyes. I must have been thinking too deeply to even sense his approach. 

   "I knew I'd find you here." He says. His voice is not cocky, he sounds like a real person for once. 

   I take in a deep breath, "What you saw today--"

   "Your wounds are gone, just like magic." He says in bewilderment. He looks me over and tries to hide his amazement. 

   I know I have the ability to persuade him to forget what he saw today, but that only lasts for a couple of minutes; it is useless. "Please, I beg you, you must not tell a soul about what happened earlier. I will leave town in a exactly an hour and I expect you to persuade Tammy that what she saw was not real. That is, if she still remembers."  I can see in his eyes that Tammy is still alive, but she is gripping on to a thread of life. 

   Chris looks dissapointed, "I want you to stay." He says, "I want to know what you are, I want to know every single detail." His soft, aqua blue eyes hold mine, begging me to consider his request. 

   "I can't--"

   "If you don't, I'll tell the police every thing I saw." 

   "They won't believe you." I say calmly. 

   "You know that's not true, the moment I describe your appearance, they'll know what you are, maybe not right away, but they will soon enough." I stay frozen in my spot, he is right, and he is not bluffing.

   He moves towards me until we are only a few inches away from each other. He pulls off my hood and sunglasses. Then, stares into my eyes, amazed. I know why. 

   I am not wearing my dark brown contacts at the moment and my real eyes are like mirrors. They are a bright, almost neon blue, but they reflect every single detail that I am looking at, they get bigger as I am in battle mode, so you can hardly see the whites of my eyes. They are truly amazing, but any human who sets eyes on them will know I am not one of them. "You're beautiful." He suddenly whispers. His eyes are glazed with bewilderment. His hand reaches towards my face, as if he wants to see if I am real.

   I slap his hand away and wrap my hand around his neck, shoving him against a wall for the second time today. I lift him up with that one hand until his feet don't touch the floor. "I can kill you right now." I say. My voice is cold and my pupils widen, I am sure I look like a monster. I look up at him and watch him struggle for air. 

   Just kill him and then kill his sister. It will be like nothing ever happened. 

   I let him drop to the ground; he takes big gulps of air but still manages to smile up at me, "Wow." He whispers between deep breaths. 

   "I'll stay." I say, "But if you ever on any account, tell a soul about what has happened today..." I let out a single, dry 'Ha', "You should know what happens next." I leave the room before he could say another word. The only thought that is left in my mind is, whyWhy couldn't I kill him?  Maybe it was because he reminded me of my family, they were so vulnerable. He never did anything to me, so why should he die? 


   Before Chris could blink, Jessica dissapeared, leaving nothing but her flowery smell behind. The same smell that always seemed to attract him, making him lose all kind of control. Not to talk of those eyes, those beautiful, breath-taking eyes that made him want to shrink into a small speck before her. No girl had ever made him feel this way, not even Dinah. God damn, she had definitely stolen his heart. 


A/N: So there you have it, Chapter 6. For those of you who might have noticed a post from me saying that I am leaving for the weekend, please disregard it. So anyway, if you want to know what happens next then don't forget to check back, because I update my book everyday. Thanks for your time and tell me what you think! 

--Natalie :) 


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