Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

   I walk into the living room with my hand held above my head. Dinah has a gun held firmly in her quivering hands, with her other, she grabs on to Chris' shoulder. She points the gun at a calm looking Chris who seems to be taking the whole situation lightly. "When'd you suddenly get a whole hell'a guts, Dinah?" He asks, smirking. 

   He can be so stupid. "She has a gun pointed at your head, Chris. Shut up and do as she says." Courtney says, voicing my thoughts. She has a gun out as well though and points it at Dinah, "Drop the gun, Dinah." She says coolly. 

   Dinah shakes her head sharply, "You will all sit down calmly while help arrives, if not, then I'll blow Chris' brains out." Her voice trembles.

   "I'd like to see you try." Chris says with that smirk set on his lips. 

    "Shut the hell up Chris." An angry looking Tammy scolds as she walks into the room, her light green eyes are flaring up in anger, "And as for you Dinah, you better get your filthy hands off my brother. I thought we were best friends." 

   Dinah's eyes become glossy with tears, "I am your best friend, that's why I'm doing this, to get things back to normal." I can see that she is letting her emotions take control and if I push her enough, I will have a good opening. 

   "Are you really doing this for your friends, Dinah?" I smirk at her, "It sure looks as if you have your own personal motives." I say and I watch her face turn red with anger.

   "What would you know, you thing?" 

   "You've always been jealous of me, Dinah. You just can't wait to get rid of me so that you can be the focus of attention once again." I say, putting on a perfect bitchy face. 

   Dinah shakes her head with anger, rebuking my words as her long golden curls whip side-to-side. "You're wrong." She says, her voice shaking.

   I laugh bitterly, "Am I, Am I really?" I take a step towards her, "You just can't stand that I'm stronger, smarter and more agile than you, and now you want to get rid of me." 

   "You bitch!" She shouts and directs the gun away from Chris and right at me. She only gets one shot right at my chest before Chris tackles her. The impact makes me fall to the ground and the pain is like fire, but I have learnt the valuable skill of endurance. I get back on my feet and rush towards Chris and help to detain her. She is on her back flailing wildly and shouting for us to let go of her as Chris and I pin her arms onto the floor. Tammy appears beside us and grabs the gun from her hand. She takes me by surprise when she smacks the side of the gun against Dinah's head.

   Dinah goes slack and her eyes roll to the back of her head. "Right on." Courtney says while staring down at Dinah's unconscious body. 

   But now, for some reason, the burning is not going away. My chest still feels like it is on fire and it only takes me a few more seconds to realize that this is not a regular bullet. Dinah, had somehow gotten access to a chemically altered bullet. 

   I collapse to the ground next to Dinah, my vision starts to blur and I can hear several voices shouting my name, but those get drowned out soon as well when a high pitch sound rings in my ears. I remember what I thought earlier, If I am to die now, I will be truly happy. That is the last thought in my mind before I am surrounded by darkness.


   Chris fell to his knees beside Jessica's trembling body and he scooped her into his arms. Her eyes were staring right through him, like she couldn't even see him there. "Jessica, Jessica can you hear me?" He shouted. He felt so powerless and he kept shouting her name, even when her body went slack in his arms. 

   Courtney knelt down beside Jessica and put a hand to neck. "There's no pulse." She said calmly. Chris looked up at Courtney's face. Her face was red and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Chris screamed in frustration and buried his face into Jessica's stomach and for the first time in his life, cried for someone else other than himself. He was slowly starting to realize that maybe what he felt for Jessica was more than 'like,' it was love. But it was too late now. Please, please don't let her die. He prayed to any god that there was out there.

   Tammy stared down at the scene before her and felt overwhelming guilt and sadness come over her. If she had told someone about Dinah's conspiracy earlier, then this would never have happened. This was all her fault. She backed away from the scene and ran away, running into the nearest bedroom, sobbing. She threw herself on the bed and tried to erase the image of Jessica's vacant eyes staring into nothing. 

   Jared walked into the living room and pointed his gun at a distracted Courtney and Chris, "Nobody move," He said. Chris and Courtney looked up at him with glossy eyes, "I can help." He said with a smirk. He lifted up a vial in his hand. This was all part of his plan and Dinah helped him complete it. 


A/N: So guys, what do you think of this Chapter? What do you think Jared's "plan" is? Don't forget to comment and vote, vote, vote! 

  Anyway, check for the next chapter tomorrow! :)

--Natalie xoxoxoxox

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