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      Phil was sat awkwardly in Dan's lounge on the couch. He could tell Dan had cleaned up his house before Phil's arrival. Phil liked how Dan felt the need to be presentable around Phil. He blushed slightly at the thought.
Dan was sat on the couch a few feet away from Phil. Phil hated awkward silence, and looked around desperately for something to break the ice. His eyes flicked to the corner.
"I have the same plant at my house." Phil said looking at a small cactus plant on the corner table.
"Really? Is that the best you could do?" Dan asked with a small chuckle. "Phil Lester everybody! The King of Ice Breakers."
"What? I have LOADS of house plants. I'm an enthusiast." Phil says with mock pride.
"Sure." Dan says and then the pair return to their awkward silence. Except this time it's Dan's turn to break the ice. "Do you want a snack?"
"Sure. Do you happen to have any Ribena?" Phil asked.
"Two Ribenas coming right up!" Dan called enthusiastically from the kitchen. He grabs two Ribenas and and a pack of crisps. He comes back and turns on the tv to ensure no more awkward silences and reveals an unfinished game of Crash Bandicoot.
"You play Crash Bandicoot?" Phil asked. Dan winced slightly but nodded sheepishly. Embarrassed that Phil discovered him playing such a childish game. "I love that game!" Phil says lighting Dan up.
"Do you want to play?" Dan asked. And the two played. They did 6 levels. Dan creamed Phil, winning every round.
"Gosh dang it!" Phil exclaimed, throwing the controller on the floor. Dan laughs at his determination not to swear. "How do you win every... fluffin... time?!"
"This game requires certain skills that you seem to lack." Dan replies. He puts down his controller. "Do you want to see my room?"
Phil's heartbeat speeds up a little. He trusts me enough to bring me to his room?! Phil nods and together the duo went up to Dan's room. Dan's room was all black. With a black, grey, and white duvet on the bed. It was similar to Phil's duvet, except his was green and blue. Phil liked Dan's room, it was cozy. Despite its frightening appearance, it made Phil feel safe and at home. Phil noticed various objects around the room. A Pokémon plushie, some nice art, and an anime pillow.
"Well this is it." Dan says gesturing to the room. "What do ya think?"
There were no words to describe what Phil thought. It was a cozy room. It was just the right amount of edgy and soft. Phil loved the room. It really reflects the Dan he knew. Phil scrambled to find the right words to describe it.
"I love it. It is so cozy and edgy." Dan smiles at Phil's approval. Phil smiles back. Phil had never realized how gorgeous Dan's smile really was. He had dimples on either side of his mouth. One of the dimples was accompanied by two freckles that made the dimple look sad. Phil thought about the irony of it. Dan was the happiest person he knew, he doesn't deserve a frown.
The two sip Ribena and just talk and laugh for 3 hours until it's time for Phil to leave.
"Bye Dan today was so much fun!"
"Bye Phil I hope we can do this again sometime!" And as Phil set off towards home one thought was running through his mind... Daniel James Howell.

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