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      Phil woke up next to a gorgeous brown haired figure. Dan was so close to Phil that he could feel the gentle rise and fall of Dan's chest against his own. Phil looked at his restful face. He looked, peaceful. Like dreams had carried away all his problems. Phil sighed with contentment. Just then Dan's eyes fluttered open. He smiled warmly.
      "Morning." He yawned. Phil giggled.
      "Morning." He replied. He leaned in and kissed the smile off Dan's lips. When they separated they were both beaming. Phil loved Dan's smile. It was warm, friendly, inviting, and cute as hell. Phil didn't want to move. He wanted to stay in that moment, forever. But, necessity caused him and Dan to walk downstairs. Phil curled up on the couch with a bowl of Krave and Dan snuggled in next to him. Dan's body radiated heat and it warmed Phil's cold, frail figure. Phil was upset that they had to go back to school tomorrow, and that Dan had work from 1-4 today. That means that Phil only had 2 hours with Dan before their 3 hour separation. His mind raced with ideas.
      "Do you want to take a walk?" Phil asked. Dan let out a sharp sigh.
      "I don't know Phil. That sounds like voluntary exercise. And I'm morally opposed to that." Phil gave him a playful shove as they both chuckle. They got dressed and stepped hand in hand into the warm April air. They stopped every once in a while to admire the scenery.
      "Hey look! We could stop at the park!" Dan pointed at the vast stretch of green grass. They walked to a bench and sat in the shade. Phil rests his head on Dan's shoulder and Dan drapes his arm around Phil. They watched a couple on a stroll, an elderly woman feed her birds, and a dog fetching a stick. Their world was perfect, and at that moment, nothing could change that.
      Phil woke up the next morning in Dan's bed. He stretched happily and got up to get ready. He gave Dan a quick kiss on the top of his head and headed to his room. When he got downstairs, Dan was eating breakfast at the counter. Phil didn't have enough time to eat at home so he bagged up some cereal and turned to leave when he felt someone grab his hand. He turned to see Dan looking at him.
      "I know you have to leave so I'll keep this short. Phil, would you like to go on a proper date with me?" He asked, cheeks reddening. Phil was frozen in shock. Dan continued, "I wanted to take you on a real date because you deserve the best and... I don't know maybe it's stupid, but I..." Phil pressed a finger to Dan's lips to quiet him.
      "Daniel James Howell, I would be honored to go on a date with you." Phil said and kissed Dan passionately. When they pulled apart, Dan told Phil to meet him in the park at 5:00. Phil then raced off to school still bubbling with the excitement of the upcoming date.
      "Can we talk?" Louise asked. Phil sighed and nodded reluctantly. Louise led him to a secure place so no one could eavesdrop. She turned to face Phil but kept her head down, refusing to make eye contact. "I wanted to apologize, on behalf of everyone. We had no idea you felt that way. We want to offer support. You can always talk to us." She finished and then promptly burst into tears. Phil smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. She cried into his shoulder. His jumper would be soaked afterwards but he didn't mind. He was just glad to have his friends back. They walked to lunch and sat with their normal group. Phil was beaming the whole time, glad that his life was putting itself back together.
      When he arrived at the park, he didn't see Dan. He checked everywhere but couldn't find him. He was about to give up when he checked the cliff and saw his brown haired, brown eyed guardian angel. Dan was standing under a tree on a picnic blanket with PB&J's and Ribena. There was a speaker blasting Fall Out Boy in the corner. Phil ran into Dan's warm embrace. They pulled back enough to kiss and then sat down to eat. It was delicious. And coupled with Dan's company, it was the best first date Phil had ever been on.
"Amazing what you can accomplish with 1 jar of peanut butter, a jar of jelly, and a knife huh?" Dan said, causing them both to chuckle. They talked and laughed like this for 15 minutes when 2009 by: Katherine and Eden started playing. Dan immediately began mouthing the words. Phil giggled. Dan looked at him and blushed suddenly realizing he was being watched.
"You know this song?" Phil asked. Dan nodded, since there was no way to deny it. "Dan, this is like my number one guilty pleasure song!" Phil laughed. Dan grinned. He stood up and offered Phil his hand. Phil gladly took it. The two began dancing wildly and belting out the chorus.
"DO YOU REMEMBER THE TIME WHEN WE FIRST MET AT THE TRAIN STATION?!" Then they slow danced during the slower section.
Dan whispered, "You know how most couples have a special song? Maybe this could be ours." Phil nodded and blissfully buried his face in Dan's shoulder.
Phil looked up at Dan. "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Dan smiled.
"Phillip Michael Lester, I would love to be your boyfriend."

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