Epilouge (Phil)

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"Is it ready?" Phil asked impatiently.
"Hold your fucking horses, it's almost done!" Tom replied with an eye roll. Louise wrapped an arm around Phil comfortingly.
"Phil, relax. Dan is going to love it! You couldn't have planned a more perfect party." Louise said soothingly. Phil gave her a grateful smile but his nerves continued to eat away at him. Today is his and Dan's 4 year dating anniversary and he wanted everything to be perfect. He had planned a surprise party in their apartment. He invited everyone. His parents, Pj, Louise, Tom, Anthony, Tyler. Even their new friends, Sean McLoughlin and Felix Kjellberg from Uni came. Dan had work at BBC until 7:00 pm. It was currently 6:50 pm. Phil had been planning this for months, every detail mapped out flawlessly in his head. As the time of Dan's arrival drew closer, Phil became more and more stressed and nit picky.
"Sean! The banner is lopsided! The right side is 2 centimeters higher than the left. Come on guys get it together." Phil groaned. He was too stressed to deal with these tiny inconveniences. Before they could fix the banner they heard soft footsteps growing gradually closer. Phil motioned for everyone to hide as he ran to open the door and greet his boyfriend. Dan gave him a grin and a small peck on the cheek as he stepped through the threshold. He sent Phil a confused gaze.
"Everything alright Phil?" He asked with concern.
"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!" Everyone screamed. Causing Dan to jump in alarm.
"Phil... wha... I..."
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAN!!!!!" Phil said throwing his arms around Dan. "I wanted to do something special for you. Everyone came to help!" Dan looked shocked and happy. He returned Phil's embrace and began mingling. They talked for hours. It was almost 10:00 when they decided to break for cake. Phil clinked his spoon against his wine glass (filled with Ribena of course).
"May I have your attention please? I'd like to make a toast to my boyfriend Dan. Dan will you come over here a second?" Dan put down his cake and walked sheepishly towards Phil. He hated being the center of attention, and Phil knew it. But, this was too important. Phil looked intently into Dan's eyes. "Daniel James Howell, I was lost before you entered my life. I was swimming in an pool of darkness and emptiness, with no hope of escape. When you came along, everything changed for me. You were the light at the end of the tunnel. Dan, you gave me a reason to live. No. You gave me life. You made me feel less alone. You understood me in a way that, no on had ever understood me before. And in turn, you helped others to understand. Everything around us is here because you helped me see the light. You were the light. Dan, I can't explain the feelings that I feel for you. They are far to complex. You brought euphoria to the empty shell that I was. Yes, I may not be able to explain my feelings. But, there is one thing I can explain." Phil then proceeded to get down on one knee. Dan was crying and laughing at the same time. "I love you, Daniel James Howell. I've known since time's beginning and now I know that I want to be with you until its end. No one has ever affected me so greatly and no one has ever made me feel the way you do. I can't lose you because you are the only thing this miserable world has that death doesn't. Daniel James Howell, will you marrying." Dan looked utterly shocked and at a loss. HIs breaths were short and raspy. He nodded slowly and then the nods picked up their pace. Phil jumped up and kissed Dan hard on the lips. He slipped the ring onto Dan's slender finger. He wiped the tears from Dan's eyes and kissed him again, in an endless state of euphoria.
Phil had no idea what the road ahead would hold or what obstacles he would face. Only one thing was certain in his mind: He didn't know the road or the destination, because life doesn't have a map. He only knew that wherever he went, he would arrive with a smile, hand in hand with Dan Howell.

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