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After the silent meal, the Underwoods dispersed to their chambers. Geneva began to walk back to her own when she felt a hand grab her wrist. She whipped around, ready to throw a punch at the culprit, only to find her sister standing there with widened eyes.

Geneva dropped her fist and grumbled in frustration. "What?"

Caris released her grasp on Geneva's wrist, and followed as she continued to walk down the corridor. "I want to apologize for earlier."

Geneva stopped suddenly and slowly turned around. Caris was young, only sixteen years old, and the most eligible bachelorette in the kingdom. Being the second daughter to the King and Queen, she was able to marry whomever she wished. That was a luxury that Geneva longed for, but knew that she could never have.

"You? Apologize?" Geneva questioned, raising her brows. "What do you want?"

"Must I always have a motive?"

Geneva pretended to think for a moment. "Yes," she said stiffly. Without giving her sister a second to respond, she began to stalk away.

"Listen, Geneva," Caris called, lifting the shirt of her dress and running to catch up to her. "I can't imagine not being able to marry someone I love. I want you to experience what Matthias and I have, because it's so special."

At the sound of her words, Geneva felt a sudden pang of guilt strike her heart. Flashes of the incident between herself and Matthias in the weaponry room flooded her mind, stinging her memory. She began to shake her head, having stopped listening to her sister as she remembered what she had done. She couldn't tell her though; it would break her heart to know that Matthias wasn't true to her.

"It's okay, Caris," she said softly, hoping to end the conversation.

Caris looked confused. "That's it? You're not mad? Not going to threaten me with the power you'll have when you're queen?"

Geneva shook her head weakly. "I'm tired, and have come to terms with the fact that you will have something that I'll never experience—"

"Perhaps Zander will exceed your expectations. It is possible for arranged marriages to end with love, you know."

Geneva gave her sister a weak smile. "Perhaps," she said, not wanting her sister to feel any worse about the situation. "Goodnight."

Geneva looked around at the beautiful greenery that surrounded her. There was no evidence that Velora had ever been plagued by drought; the flowers were in bloom, the stream trickled on for miles, and the grass was more vibrant than ever.

Suddenly, she looked up to find Harry standing before her, smiling brightly as he looked into her eyes. To her left, a priest stood with a Bible in his hands. She looked back at Harry with confusion in her eyes, and he nodded encouragingly as he took her hands in his own.

In her peripheral vision, she could see blue sleeves on her arms. She looked down at her body to find herself wearing a lavish blue dress, adorned with glittering gems. She smiled as she realized it was her wedding day.

As if someone were coaching her, she said, "I, Geneva Underwood, Princess of Velora, take thee, Harry Styles, as my wedded husband; to have and to hold, to love and cherish, til death do us part."

The priest suddenly cleared his throat, gaining her attention. "And to obey."

She furrowed her brows, and looked back at Harry, who raised his brows as he awaited her compliance. Feeling uneasy, but sure of her love for him, she agreed. "And to obey, til death do us part."

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