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A cloaked figure on the back of a brilliant white steed haunted her dreams. Waking in a cold sweat, Geneva said a prayer to God in the crisp light of dawn that cascaded through the window, asking for the safety of her family and kingdom. After crossing herself and crawling back into bed, she lay on her back, staring at the ceiling, plagued by insomnia.

Zander's precognition occupied her mind. Was it true, or just an outcome of his wound? She didn't know, but came to the conclusion that she needed to expect the worst. Velora wasn't in any condition to fight in a war. If a battle was to be had, a new alliance needed to be made as soon as possible.

"I want all of the nobility to be invited. My wedding will be the event of the year," Caris said.

"Yes, you've made that abundantly clear, dear," Anna replied as she twisted the ring on her forefinger absentmindedly.

Geneva stood behind a folding screen as Emilia laced up the back of her dress which Caris had chosen for her to wear on the big day. As Emilia finished tying the strings, she patted her shoulder as a sign that she was finished and stepped to the side. Geneva walked out from behind the screen and stood in front of a full length mirror, trying not to frown at the sight of herself.

"Oh, it looks even better on!" Caris gushed.

Geneva turned around to face her mother and sister, who sat comfortably in their seats across the room. "Is it not too gaudy?" she asked, gesturing to the gems that had been sewn into the gown's neckline and bodice.

"Absolutely not," Caris answered immediately.

"Well, if you're sure," Geneva said.

The gong rang throughout the palace, echoing softly in Caris's chambers. Geneva lit up at the sound, knowing that she could finally escape the dreadful wedding planning that her mother had made her help with for the morning. She hurried back to the other side of the screen and began to unlace the dress, Emilia helping her.

"And where are you off to?" Caris asked as Geneva changed.

"I must resume my duties," she said, "I've helped with the planning for long enough." Satisfied to be back in her own simpler gown, she ran her fingers through her hair and stepped out from behind the screen. "I'll be with Father if you need me."

Emilia curtsied to the Queen and younger princess before following Geneva out of the overly ornate room and into the lofty hallway. They met Harry on the other side of the door, and walked to Luther's study on the opposite side of the palace, Emilia by Geneva's side and Harry trailing behind like a guard dog.

"What did you think of the dress, Em?" Geneva asked.

"It was... extravagant."

Geneva giggled. "Indeed. But, whatever makes her happy, I suppose."

Harry refrained from rolling his eyes. How could she speak of her sister's happiness when she was so close to committing an act of betrayal? he wondered. Nevertheless, he remained silent as he completed his duty of protecting the princess.

"Why has Silas not reclaimed his position, Harry?"

He was caught off guard by the princess addressing him in the presence of Emilia. "I don't know, your highness. Sir Matthias only informed me that I was to continue to serve as your guard, he didn't give me details of the reasoning."

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