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"You must be famished from your long journey," Luther spoke, his voice cutting through the thick silence like a knife. "Shall we head to the dining room for dinner?"

Geneva slipped her hand out of Zander's grasp, and took a step backward. Though she focused her gaze on the glossy, marble floor, Zander's eyes remained glued to her face, admiring her beauty.

"Lead the way," Zabrina replied.

Courtiers remained in the throne room, bowing as the native and foreign royal families were escorted out by Matthias and his men. Geneva stayed near her sister as they walked, their whispers being drowned out by the small talk made between Luther and Zabrina.

"What do you think of him?" Caris asked quietly.

Geneva knew that Harry was trailing behind them, and if she spoke loud enough he would be able to hear, but she also couldn't allow for Zander to hear her high praises. She simply shrugged her shoulders and bit back a telling smile, which Caris giggled at.

In the dining room, which was much smaller than the grand hall that would be used for a celebration, Geneva was silently urged by her mother to sit across from the prince. Not wanting to cause a scene in front of their guests, she complied. However, Harry was quick to pull out her chair for her. Geneva hoped his eagerness would go unnoticed. Thankfully, the wine was brought out soon after they took their seats, and began the steady flow for the rest of the evening.

"I do hope your journey wasn't too fatiguing," Anna said with false sincerity, although the Hawthornes weren't aware of it.

"Our carriage was fairly comfortable, and our driver made haste," Zabrina replied.

"Your majesty, I'm rather intrigued to find out what your opinion is on the peasant and slave uprising across the sea in Ozavell," Luther said in an attempt to steer the conversation in a more interesting direction.

"That is a topic I have much to say about, but I vote for us to save the diplomatic discussions for tomorrow. Let us take this time to get to know each other. After all, our houses will be united soon, and I like to know more about my friends than their views on politics," Zabrina said as the first course was brought out.

"I think that's a splendid idea," Anna smiled, her voice a pitch higher than usual.

Geneva was familiar with the tone that her mother was using, and it was all she could do to fight off the urge to roll her eyes at her false cheerfulness.

"I noticed your house color is red," Geneva said, speaking directly to the Queen of Audrix for the first time that evening.

"Yes, rather a contrast to the purple you don," Zabrina said plainly.

"I hope you won't be too disappointed in parting with it, your highness," Geneva said, her eyes switching over to Zander.

His brows raised with surprise at how boldly she spoke, but soon relaxed as he shook his head. "I don't hold attachment to the color."

"You are not proud of your house?" Geneva questioned.

"On the contrary. However, with the knowledge that I will one day assume the title of the King of Velora, I understand that I must exchange my red attire for purple," he replied smoothly, not once flinching or stuttering.

Geneva nodded slowly as she looked into his eyes, almost as if she were lured in by magic. "I see," she said, "Well, I am glad to hear that."

"I understand that you are engaged, Princess Caris," Zabrina said, changing the subject.

The younger Underwood daughter was caught off guard by the sudden shift of attention her way. She tore her eyes from her plate and glanced up at Zabrina for a split second before looking over to her mother for aid.

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