Forty Two

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"Caris?" Geneva knocked lightly against the door to her sister's chamber, but gained no response. She sighed and pressed her forehead against the cool wood. "Sister, please." After a moment of silence, Geneva gave up. "I love you and I'm sorry. If you wish to hear from me about what happened, you know where to find me."

She turned on her heel and began her journey to the chapel, where she would spend the following hours in prayer.

"G, you should address the public sooner rather than later," Anna said from behind her daughter, who was knelt before the altar.

Geneva crossed herself and rose to her feet. She turned around to face her mother, whom she had seen only briefly since her return. "I am aware of my duties," she said flatly.

"I never said you weren't," Anna said, her head turning to follow Geneva as she walked by. "You are much like your father." Those words caused Geneva to stop walking. She turned around, intrigued. "He would spend hours here in the early years of his reign."

This surprised Geneva; her father wasn't the most devout of Christians. "What changed?"

"After a dispute with Ozavell that cost a great number of loyal men, he was forced to come to terms with the fact that God could not reverse what had been done, no matter how hard and long he prayed." Anna walked forward and placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "What's done is done. Even a thousand prayers won't bring back Matthias or lift the guilt from your heart."

"Then, what am I to do?" Geneva asked with a slight tremor in her voice.

"You must come to terms with it," she said, "It is the price of wearing the crown."

There was a brief moment of silence. Geneva looked past her mother to the altar of glittering silver and gold with a crucifix mounted upon it, and then back to her mother, whose aging eyes looked tired and drained. "Thank you, Mother."

Geneva then turned to leave. As she stepped out of the chapel and into the hallway, Emilia and Estelle appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Geneva jumped, startled slightly, but gave them a small smile. "Em, Estelle," she said, "You gave me a fright."

"Apologies, your majesty," Emilia said.

Geneva began to walk and beckoned for her two close friends to join her with the wave of a hand. They both fell into step on either side of her, their hands clasped at their stomachs and heads held high. Courtiers and servants lowered their heads as the trio of women walked down the corridors.

"I wish to speak out on the battle," Geneva said in a low voice to her friends. "The people should be informed on our victory."

"Shall I send for someone to ring the gong?" Estelle asked.

"Please," Geneva replied. "I'd like everyone to be present, servants and nobles alike."

In the throne room, Geneva sat atop the throne with her hands placed firmly on the arms. The gong sounded twice, signaling that the queen was in the throne room and wanted her subjects to be present. Not even a minute later, people began to flood into the room, whispering about what their queen would have to say to them.

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