Thirty Eight

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"Ginny!" Harry called.

She was halfway down the hallway, guards surrounding her as they marched in unison. When she stopped to turn around, they came to a halt. Harry jogged down the hallway to meet her, but the guards placed their hands on their swords as he came closer, prepared to protect their queen. Harry skidded to a stop, his brows furrowed at the actions of the guards. "At ease," Geneva commanded. She pushed through them to stand in front of Harry, her hands clasped together in front of her stomach and her posture as straight as an arrow. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry," he said, his shoulders slumping. "Ivey has come into contact with some radicals who are against the royal family and—"

"Me," she interrupted, "They are against me." Harry ran his tongue over his lips and glanced to the side, unsure of what to say. "I know I have enemies, but I didn't think they would be your family."

She turned to walk away, but he caught her wrist. "Ginny," he said in a pleading tone. "Please, I didn't know she would act out like that. I'm ashamed of her behavior and I cannot believe that she would be so ungrateful. But, believe me, she means no harm toward you."

"I believe you, Harry," she said, exasperated. "I'm only disappointed."

"Caris wasn't exactly on her best behavior either," he pointed out.

Geneva shook her head. "No, she wasn't."

Harry dropped her hand and cupped her cheeks, tilting her head upward so that she was looking into his eyes. He smiled as he admired her beauty, and pressed his lips to her forehead. "It's been a long day. Get some rest."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling their bodies closer. "I love you," she whispered.

Days passed by quickly. Geneva hid away in her study for the majority of the days, then spending her nights dining in her room with Estelle or Harry or Emilia. With no word from Audrix, Geneva was a nervous wreck. She rarely slept, barely touched her food, and found herself constantly staring out of her bedroom window, longing for better days.

"I know that you will say it's your job to worry for your people, but you worry too much, my love," Harry said from across the room. He was lounging in a chair by the crackling fire, his hands wrapped around the pages of a book, but his eyes focused on Geneva.

She sat in the window sill, her knees tucked under her chin. "We haven't heard a thing from the party I sent to Audrix. What if they've been executed? What if Zabrina's army is on her way? What if we're not prepared?"

Harry closed the book and stood to his feet, setting the book down where he once sat before striding across the room to place his hands on her shoulders. He gave them a light squeeze and looked down at her, smiling when she looked up at him, her brows strewn together with concern. "There are men, armed and ready, at every border. Do not worry. They're well trained." He pressed his lips to her forehead.

A knock sounded at the door. Geneva straightened her posture. "Yes?"

A guard appeared in the doorway. "Her majesty, Queen Morwenna, begs an audience, your grace."

Geneva furrowed her brows with confusion, wondering what she could need at such a late hour. "Send her in."

The guard bowed and stepped to the side to allow Morwenna entry into the private chambers. She bowed her head, to which Geneva copied as a sign of respect, and stepped further into the room. "Your grace," she said.

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