Thirty Six

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The following morning, as the sun rose into the once dark sky, Thomas and his group of guards set out for their journey to Audrix with Kal in shackles, prepared to obey Geneva's orders. As the men rode out, Geneva stirred in her bed and came to her senses when Emilia handed her a steaming cup of tea. She accepted it, blew on the warm liquid, and took a heaping sip, then noticing Harry still sound asleep in a chair across the room, nestled close to the embers of the fire. She smiled at the sight of him finally resting.

"He refused to leave even after you fell asleep," Emilia said in a hushed tone, noticing Geneva's eyes lingering upon him.

She nodded in response. "I knew he would." Setting down the tea on her bedside table, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, preparing to walk to her wardrobe to pick out a gown.

As soon as her feet hit the ground, however, Emilia stepped in front of her. "No," she said, her hands falling onto the queen's shoulders to keep her sitting. "You must rest."

"I must rule," Geneva countered. "Don't quarrel will me, he'll wake," she said, her eyes darting to Harry. His jaw hung open and his head was tilted to the right as he snored softly, causing her lips to twitch upward.

"You can order people around from your bed," Emilia said in a whisper. "Now, lay down."

Geneva stared deep into Emilia's eyes in an attempt to break her, but by the sternness in her features, Geneva knew it was no use. With a groan, she climbed back into bed and pulled the quilts over her legs. "Have they left yet?"

"Sir Thomas and his men? Yes."

"And did Caris enjoy the festivities? Is she moved into her new chambers?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"Good. Will you have Jessa bring up a tray for myself and Harry? And then I need to speak with Matthias."

Emilia gave her a nod without question, despite her belief that it was not a good idea to see Matthias, and left the room. As the door clicked shut, Harry opened his eyes. With a sleepy yawn, he stretched out his arms and legs, and slumped further down in the chair in which he sat.

"Good morning," Geneva said with a smile.

He stood to his feet, running his fingers through his unruly curls. "Good morning," he said, his voice raspy from sleeping. He sauntered across the room and sat on the end of Geneva's bed, placing a hand over her ankle that was hidden beneath the heavy blankets.

"Jessa is bringing us breakfast soon. Emilia has forced me to remain in bed all day."

"I think that's a good idea. You need rest after what happened."

She chewed on the inside of her lower lip, glancing off to the side in thought. "Do you remember the day before Zabrina and Zander left? When he frightened me?" She wrapped her fingers around the ends of her hair as nerves suddenly washed over her body, flashes of Zander laughing maniacally and repeating his vision of Janus playing before her eyes. In an attempt to erase them from her mind, she snapped her eyes up to Harry and met his loving gaze. He nodded. "He claimed that war would come to Velora and I fear that I have just started it."

His brows pulled together as confusion consumed his features, his lips parting slightly before he spoke. "You can't believe his words. He had damage to his brain."

"Yes, but what I am doing will bring war."

"My love, Zabrina started war when she sent Kal here. You are only doing what you must in order to defend yourself and your kingdom." Harry scooted closer, taking her hands in his and holding them tight. He stared into her damp eyes and gave her a quick flash of a smile. "War will likely come, but we will be prepared and we will win. You always find a way to win."

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