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Geneva parted ways with Zander after their kiss. She hadn't spoken to Harry since they had left the room of statues, and the silence between them was becoming awkward, but she couldn't think of anything to say. Thankfully, they turned a corner to find familiar faces.

Leaning against the wall, Caris giggled as Matthias whispered something to her, pushing a strand of her golden hair behind her ear. Geneva smiled, happy to see her sister in such bliss. She cleared her throat to make her presence known, and the couple's smiles immediately faded as they matched Geneva's gaze.

"You two look as if you've seen a ghost," Geneva said, observing their sudden change of mood. "I hope you're having a nice day. Caris, maybe you could help me pick out a gown for supper?"

Caris knitted her brows together, confused as to why her sister was suddenly in such high spirits. "You don't want Lady Emilia to help you?"

"I thought we could spend some time together."

"Oh," Caris said, "Well, sure—yes, I'd love to."

"Brilliant," Geneva smiled, and continued down the hallway.

Harry nodded to his superior, who only returned a glare of suspicion, and then followed the princess. Since the hallway was empty, he jogged up to her side, taking the opportunity to finally speak to her. "So, what are you thinking?"

"Hmm?" Geneva hummed, her mind clearly elsewhere.

"Shouldn't you be thinking about ways to avoid giving Prince Zander the crown matrimonial?"

"Oh, right," she said with a frown, coming back to reality. "Well, he doesn't seem all that bad. Perhaps it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for him to have it."

Harry came to an abrupt halt in his tracks, causing Geneva to stop and glare at him over her shoulder. "You kiss the man once, and suddenly everything is fine and dandy, and you're willing to hand over your kingdom to him?"

Anger settled into her features. She lurched forward, grabbing onto his hand, and dragged him into the room closest to them. After slamming the door shut and making sure no one else was in the room, she pressed her finger to his chest. "Why do you suddenly care?"

"I don't trust him, and neither did you less than an hour ago," he said sharply. "How can you believe him so easily? You don't even know him!"

"He hasn't given me a reason to distrust him yet," she said, folding her arms over her chest like a pouting child. There was a voice in the back of her mind urging her to listen to Harry, but she was too proud for that. She pushed it away and huffed loudly. "I have to marry him regardless. I'm going to give him a chance, and you don't have a say in it. You're my guard—nothing more. You said it yourself."

He lost focus in his eyes, looking past Geneva to the wall behind her as his vision blurred. The corners of his pink lips drooped slightly, showing a hint of a frown. He cleared his throat. "I think, perhaps, I wasn't ready for this position. I will be petitioning to be reassigned," he mumbled, "Good day, your highness." He bowed, and turned on his heel to exit the room.

As the door clicked shut, leaving Geneva alone in the empty room, a fierce pain pricked her chest. "What have I done?" she whispered to herself.

The weather was fair that evening, and Geneva had decided to wear a gown of airy, sapphire fabric. Her hair was curled into perfect ringlets, framing her face ever so perfectly, and a double strand of pearls rested around her neck. Everything about her was pure and perfect, and Zander couldn't believe his luck.

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