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Sunlight cascading into the room through the sheer curtains landed upon Geneva's closed eyelids, urging her to open them. She felt the warmth of the rays as they engulfed her body, and she stirred awake. With slow movements, she pushed herself up and looked around her bedchamber.

On a plush, lilac chair in the corner of her room, a beautiful ivory dress was draped, awaiting Geneva. She squinted, trying to make out the details of the embroidery, when the creaking of the door caught her attention. Glancing over to it, she saw a maid enter with a salver in her hands.

"What's this?" Geneva asked, confused as to why she was receiving tea in her chambers, a luxury usually only a queen would receive.

The maid, Jessa, set the salver down on a table and began to pour tea into a cup for the princess. "Her majesty wishes for you to be well rested, and said that you deserve tea in bed this morning."

Geneva hummed, rolling over the information in her mind. Her mother was trying to get her in a good mood in order to be more open to the idea of marrying Zander. Little did the Queen know, however, that Geneva had already taken a liking to the prince. But, the small bit of attraction that she felt wasn't enough to conquer her discontent with the arranged marriage.

Jessa handed Geneva the piping cup of tea, and was about the exit the room when Geneva called for her. "Wait," she said, causing the young woman to stop in her tracks. "Will you send for Lady Emilia?"

"Of course, your grace. Good morning," she said with a dip into a curtsy before leaving.

By the time Emilia entered the room, Geneva had finished her tea. She sat in front of her vanity, brushing through her tangled, naturally wavy hair.

"Good morning, your highness," Emilia said with a warm smile.

Geneva returned the friendly gesture and beckoned her to come over. She handed her the hairbrush, and Emilia began to style her golden locks as she did every morning. "You didn't come last night," she said, referencing Emilia's absence. Geneva had hoped she would come by before bed to discuss the Hawthornes, but she never showed.

"Yes, I'm sorry for that. Her majesty had me busy preparing the palace yesterday, and I fell asleep early," Emilia replied regretfully.

Geneva huffed with frustration. "It isn't your job to run about the castle like a maid."

"It's alright, your grace. I don't mind helping out when I'm needed."

Geneva looked at her in the mirror and smiled softly. "You're too good, Em."

"What do you make of the Hawthornes?" Emilia asked, changing the subject and hoping to make up for lost time.

"Zabrina is a prideful woman with ill intent, I can see it in her glowering eyes. You should have seen her face when she found out Caris is engaged to Matthias. The nerve of that woman," Geneva rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw. "But, I believe she has learned that I will not be frightened by her."

Emilia didn't inquire about what Geneva meant by that statement. "And her brother?"

The corners of Geneva's lips twitched. "He is far more handsome than I expected." Out of the corner of her eyes, she caught Emilia smiling in the mirror. Geneva quickly straightened her posture and flattened her lips. "But, it doesn't erase the fact that he is the offspring of a tyrannous dynasty. I cannot trust him," she said, looking to her left at the large window. Her eyebrows knitted together in worry as she remembered the desolateness of her kingdom. "Although, I seem to have no other choice."

"Give him a chance to prove himself to you," Emilia said kindly. "Until he gives you reason for doubt, remain openminded to the union. He may surprise you."

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