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Em was running late. No doubt the Queen was running her rampant in an effort to get the castle in order for the arrival of the Hawthorne siblings, probably doing menial tasks that any other servant could do. But, this was her retaliation for the fondness that Geneva had of Em and not for her own mother. As a result, Geneva attempted to tie her corset herself.

She grunted as she contorted her body in an effort to pull the strings through the holes, lacing it up, but that wasn't even the hard part. Through gritted teeth, she held the laces in each hand and yanked them to tighten the corset. With every pull, Geneva grew angrier.

"Damn this stupid thing," she muttered, "Damn Zander Hawthorne. Damn this drought. And damn Harry Styles!" She stomped her foot on the ground with frustration, then collapsing to her knees. "Why, Lord, must I endure this?"

"Stop being so dramatic," Anna said as she closed the door to Geneva's bedroom behind her. "You're acting like a child. Get up, I'll help you finish."

Geneva rolled her eyes and stood to her feet. Her mother walked over and began to loosen the laces, which Geneva had tied so tight that her breathing was shallow.

"Are you trying to suffocate yourself?" her mother asked.

"If it will put me out of my misery," Geneva mumbled. "Where's Em?"

"Working. Now, which dress have you chosen to wear for the prince?" Anna tied the corset laces, and walked over to Geneva's wardrobe. She rummaged through the array of gowns as Geneva stood with her arms folded over her chest, not interested in impressing the prince. "How about this one?" she asked, taking out a scarlet gown.

"I don't recognize that," Geneva said, furrowing her brows. The dress was beautifully made, with sleeves that hung off the shoulders and beading around the bust, but the color was one that she had never owned before. Red was seen as a color that represented military strength, which was something Velora didn't value much. Then, it clicked. "Red is the Hawthorne House color. You had it made, didn't you?"

"Yes, Geneva, I did. Wearing their color will signify our eagerness of uniting our houses. Now, put it on."

"I will not," she said simply. "You have my assurance that the Hawthornes won't know of my displeasure with the situation, but I will not prance around as a symbol of their destruction. I will wear our house colors proudly. This will show them that although we are uniting, I am still an Underwood, and I always will be."

Her mother was left dumbfounded. She gazed at her daughter with empty eyes. Though she would not let it show, emotions flooded her being; half proud of the woman she'd become and half terrified of how much she reminded her of herself. She was stubborn in the best and worst ways, brave, and fair. Anna knew her daughter would be the best queen that Velora would ever see.

"Very well," Anna replied calmly, hanging up the red dress without any complaints. Quietly, she made her way over to the door, but stopped as she placed her hand on the knob. "Shall I fetch Lady Emilia to fix your hair?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder to her daughter.

Geneva was confused—her mother never acted in such a way. Nevertheless, she nodded. "Please."

Her mother pulled her thin lips into a tight smile before exiting the room, closing the door behind her.

Geneva knitted her brows together in thought as she leaned against the foot of her bed. She tapped her fingers against the soft blankets, and then sprang to her feet. She hurried over to her wardrobe and pulled out the most beautiful of her purple dresses, which was the color of House Underwood. She smiled to herself as she envisioned Harry's face upon seeing her dressed in such extravagance.

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