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Nested in the center of the silver band was a circular amethyst stone, which represented the Underwood House. Geneva reached out, taking the ring in the palm of her hand. She was so close to Harry, she could almost feel his body go rigidly stiff. Her fingertips caressed the jewelry and she was almost transported back to the day that she had given it to Harry as a pledge of her love.

She looked up at him through her lashes. He was already staring down at her, his eyes softer than usual. "You kept it," she whispered as she finally stood to her feet. "After all this time." He only nodded. "Why didn't you sell it? It could've provided for your family for years."

"It was the only thing I had left of you," he said defensively, almost offended that she would even think that he would sell something so precious. "Do you really think so low of me?"

"I thought you didn't care," Geneva said, her brows furrowed. "Isn't that why you left?"

"I left because I knew it could never be—we could never be. I never said it didn't hurt me to leave."

"Did it? Hurt you?"

"Immensely," he said softly, "But, then my father died and I had to provide for my family. I didn't have time to dwell on a fantasy."

Geneva's lips parted. "I didn't know... I'm sorry."

"It was a long time ago." He took a step backward, putting distance between them.

"But, Harry, it doesn't have to be a fantasy."

There was a pause as he tried to concoct a response. "I can't do this, Geneva," he sighed.

"Why? Why can't you take a leap of faith?"

With long strides, he stepped closer to her and looked down into her eyes. "I saw you with Matthias," he said, his words coming out as a whisper. "First it was him, then Zander, and now me?"

Geneva swore her heart dropped from her chest, slamming against the floor and shattering into tiny shards. "It was you?" Harry nodded, his curls dancing by his cheeks. "It was a moment of weakness—nothing happened!"

"You are many things, Geneva. You are strong-willed, brave, and kind, but you are also flighty, and that will be your downfall."


"You have my heart," he interjected, stopping her before she could protest. "I would do anything in the world for you, and I think you know that." She looked down at her feet, ashamed of herself. "But I am just a fleeting crush to you."

Tears brimmed her eyes. "That isn't true! I was bewitched by them, Zander especially. I would do anything to be with you—you have my whole heart." Her lips quivered as she spoke and tears slipped out of her crystal eyes, spilling onto her rosy cheeks and splashing onto her gown.

"And what am I to do? Stand by as you marry Zander? Hope that eventually you will divorce him and marry me? Yes, I will stand in the corner like a forgotten toy, gathering dust until you decide to play with me again."

"Why are you doing this?" she choked out.

"Because it's the truth!"

"It is not!" she shouted over him, not caring if anyone heard. "If you think I would be so cruel, then you do not know me."

Harry was stung by her words. Perhaps he was being too harsh on her; after all, she was only doing what she had to do as the crown princess. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

She wiped the tears from her cheeks and sniffled. "I'm trying my best to please everyone. I want to save my kingdom, and I want to make my parents proud, but am I to put my own heart aside for that?"

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