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The gentle, melancholic tune of the harpsichord floated from the music room, filling the entire palace and matching the mood of everyone inside. A bleakness had overcome the people that had seen the horrible incident that began, and ended, the jousting tournament, especially Queen Zabrina. Geneva could scarcely believe that she was capable of harboring such emotions, and she felt guilty for doubting it. The Queen never left her brother's side, and Eirene never left the Queen's side. There was one good thing amongst the many evil attributes that the Hawthornes possessed, and that was loyalty.

A terrible pounding plagued Geneva's head. She sat in the window sill of her room, rubbing her temples with her fingertips as she gazed into the field. Servants worked to remove all tents, chairs, and anything else that was present during the mishap. She sighed heavily. The sun was setting and the sky was morphing into a beautiful orange hue, but she couldn't admire it. All she could think about was Zander.

The door to her chambers opened with a creak, but she didn't turn to see who had entered. Instead, she waited for the culprit to speak.

"Your highness," Emilia said softly. Geneva was glad it was her, but she didn't reply. "You should eat something."

"How can I?" she said in a whisper.

Emilia pressed her lips together and closed the door gently. She moved closer to the princess, but didn't reach out to her or speak. She waited silently for her to make the first move.

"I don't know how to feel," she finally said after a few moments of dead silence. "Should I be rejoicing that I may not have to marry a man that I don't love, or should I be praying to God that he survives so that my kingdom can benefit from him? Either way, it feels wrong."

Emilia took another step forward and placed her hand on Geneva's shoulder. The princess didn't flinch under the caring touch, but continued to stare into space. "If the man you love is who I think it is, then perhaps this will give you a chance at the happiness you desire."

"And what of Velora?" Geneva turned her head to look up at Emilia. "People are dying. If Zander survives, I must marry him."

"And if he doesn't?"

Geneva shook her head, trying not to think about that outcome. Although it was what she wanted, her people would suffer for it. "We would have to find another kingdom to unite with."

"Like what?" Emilia asked, sitting down next to Geneva's feet on the sill of the window. "Ozavell is unstable, and Nydale has no heirs to marry off."

"What are you saying?" Geneva furrowed her brows.

"Audrix was the only option for uniting through marriage. Should the prince die, Velora will be forced to form an alliance with Nydale on terms other than marriage. And you will be free to marry whomever you wish."

Geneva couldn't help but smile. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall. "God forgive me," she whispered.

Carrying a silver tray of broth and bread, Geneva entered the room where Zander was being tended to by the court physician. She cleared her throat and gave Queen Zabrina a weak smile from the doorway.

"I've brought you supper," Geneva said, looking down to the tray in her hands before glancing back up.

Zabrina kneeled on the floor next to Zander's bed, clutching his limp hands in her own and mumbling Audrixian words of prayer. She didn't even bother to lift up her eyes to look at Geneva. Instead, Lady Eirene stood from her chair in the corner of the room and met Geneva at the doorway.

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