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Geneva sniffled, pulling away from his chest as his voice registered in her mind. She looked up into his eyes, feeling instant relief of all her worries. He brought her so much comfort, instantly transporting her to a place of serenity. When she looked into his emeralds, which were glittering in the candlelight, she envisioned them in a scene of nature. Vibrant hues of flowers, a shining sun, and the trickling of a river in the distance. But her reality was quite the opposite.

"I wish we were children again," she said softly.

Harry brought his hand next to her face and lightly brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, then trailing his thumb across her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned her face into his palm, sighing as she remembered how carefree her life used to be.

"Even then, we knew the responsibilities that awaited us," he said.

The scenery that she had created around them dissipated as Harry's words left his lips. Geneva opened her eyes and frowned. "Must you always be a voice of reason?" She stepped away from him and folded her arms across her chest.

"You should go. Zander is likely looking for you."

The hope that she had in gaining his affection was lost. As she watched his eyes silently urging her to leave, to go after her betrothed, she sunk her teeth into the inside of her lower lip to prevent any emotion from breaking through. Without so much as a second glance, she turned on her heel and left Harry alone in the weaponry room.

Down the hallway, turning a corner, and up to the doors of the study, she inhaled deeply before entering. As she pushed the doors open, eyes snapped to her. All members of each royal family, save Caris, were seated in the same spots as before Geneva left the meeting. She was going to speak, but a piece of parchment on the table along with a small vat of ink and a quill caught her attention. She squinted her eyes, and saw that her father had signed his name across the dotted line.

"Just in time," Zabrina said, gesturing to the paper.

Beneath her father's signature was an empty line where Geneva would sign her name. Anger boiled within her. She stalked over to the table and glared at the Queen. "Your stay here in Velora ends in three days. Give me until then to find another way. If I cannot, I will sign the contract, and Zander will receive the crown matrimonial."

Luther opened his mouth to protest, but Zabrina raised her hand to silence him. "Alright. Three days," she said.

"Your majesty, and highness," Anna spoke, breaking the silent tension in the room. "Will you join us for tea and entertainment in the music room?"

"We'd love nothing more," Zabrina responded with a painted smile.

Soft applause filled the room as Caris's fingers touched the keys for the last time, the final notes of the song hanging in the air until she lifted her hands. She smiled at the adoration that was given to her by the audience, especially Matthias, who was standing in the corner of the room next to Harry. However, Harry displayed a solemn expression. His hands were clasped firmly behind his back, brows settled in a rigid line, and eyes cast on nowhere in particular. He was a statue.

"Does the Princess Geneva play the harpsichord?" Zabrina asked Luther rather than Geneva herself.

Luther directed his gaze to Geneva. "No, but she rather excels in the composition of poetry."

"Is that so?" she hummed in a monotonous voice. "You must recite some for us." Zabrina finally turned her head to face Geneva.

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