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Whilst Harry visited his family in Crofton, Geneva awoke to a familiar knock at the door. She blinked groggily, and rubbed her heavy eyes as she sat up in her bed. The sun illuminated her room, warming her feet as she padded across the marble floor to open the door. When she pulled back the piece of wood, her eyes connected with those of Silas. He smiled warmly to the princess and bowed his head. She furrowed her brows, confused by his presence, and then remembered her conversation with Harry the day before. Her heart sank.

"Good morning," Geneva said, trying not to sound too disappointed. She liked Silas and didn't want to hurt his feelings, but she knew his return to being her guard meant that Harry truly did file for a new post. "Can I help you, Silas?"

"Matthias has instructed me to take over Harry's position for the day," he replied, his deep voice almost comforting. Silas had gray hair that was highlighted by silver stripes, and deep brown eyes that reminded Geneva of chocolate. She had missed his company, but she was glad to hear that Silas was only filling in for the day. She hoped that Harry would return the next morning.

"Well, I'm glad to have you back, if only for a day," she replied with a sweet smile. His eyes lit up with joy at her remark. "Will you please send for Lady Emilia?"

"Already done, your grace." Silas moved to the side to allow Emilia to step into view.

"Thank you, Silas," Geneva said warmly.

Emilia entered Geneva's chamber and closed the door gently behind her, then moving over to the wardrobe to pick out a gown for the princess. Geneva walked over to the window and gazed into the desolate field below, sighing. Servants set up tents, knights prepared their horses, and benches were being moved for the audience that would watch the jousting match that was set to take place at high noon.

"Who is competing in the tournament?" Geneva asked, still gazing down at the people at work.

"I'm not entirely sure, your highness."

Geneva narrowed her eyes and stitched her brows together as she caught sight of a man in an extravagant red blouse. His bronze skin glowed in the golden morning sunlight, and she could see his eyes twinkle even from a distance. It was Zander. He ran his fingers through his cropped hair exasperatedly as a servant scurried away from his presence. Zander's brows were lowered in an irate expression that Geneva was taken aback by, as he seemed so easygoing before. The prince favored Zabrina in the moment; glowering at the people around him of lower status, his lips moving as he barked orders left and right.

"Your highness?"

Geneva blinked as the sound of Emilia's voice reeled her back from her thoughts. She peeled her eyes away from the scene below her and turned around to face Emilia. Her eyes fell onto a dress that Emilia held in her hands, displaying it to the princess.

"What do you think of this one?" Emilia asked.

Geneva nodded loosely, not really caring what kind of dress she would wear for the day—there was something else occupying her mind. "Sure, whatever you think is best." She swiveled around to peer out of the window once more, this time finding something that made her question everything.

The prince was arguing with his sister. They had moved behind a tent that was positioned closer to the palace in order to conceal themselves from the rest of the people outside, but Geneva had a clear view. She pushed the window pane gently, cracking it open ever so slightly, and leaned in closer, hoping to catch a morsel of their conversation.

"I won't do it," Zander said harshly.

"You will if you want that crown—"

"And if something goes wrong?"

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