Thirty Nine

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"We must ensure the safety of our queen, first and foremost."

"Yes, but if the borders are weak, the chances of Zabrina invading and occupying the villages are greater."

Geneva was listening to the group of men around her arguing. They sat around the table in her study—she, Matthias, Harry, and other highly ranked military men that had served under her father's rule—all debating over where to send men to die. She had her head in her hands, her elbows resting on the glossy surface of the table in which she could see her reflection. The bags under her eyes were sagging from the lack of sleep and stress of the impending war that would soon occur. She blinked, hoping that it was simply a dream and that she would wake up to a peaceful morning, but, instead, she was faced with reality.

"Then, send out half the men to the borders and leave the other half here."

"Yes, but how do we decide to split them up? There are troops which are better trained than others."

"Why don't we send the royal family to Nydale for safety?"

"Alastair would never agree. They've been at peace for far too long and wouldn't risk diving into a foreign war," Harry said, finally chiming in.

"Ah, so, he can speak," Matthias said sarcastically.

"Enough," Geneva finally said, breaking their conversation. The men's eyes snapped to hers as she slowly raised her head, her gaze deadly. "We will send men to the border of Kanova. It's the closest village to Audrix, therefore the most obvious point of attack. Another group will go to Dury."

"Dury? They'll never come from that way," Matthias said.

"I know Zabrina. We need to be prepared for anything. Men will be stationed at those two villages. How you split them up is up to you. Leave the remainder of the men here to protect the palace," Geneva said. She stood up from her seat as she finished her sentence, causing the men to stand as well, and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"To find my armor and sword," she responded.

"Excuse me?" Matthias said, his bushy brows quirked.

"Ready your men and say your goodbyes. We leave for Dury at dawn," she said, then stalking out of the room. Guards flocked to her side, marching around her like a shield as she walked down the corridors, her cloak billowing behind her.

As she came upon the weaponry room, the guards pulled the doors open and she stepped inside. The room was dimly lit by the flames of a torch next to the entrance, but she could clearly see the shimmering suit of chainmail that her father insisted be made if she were going to learn how to wield a sword. She thanked him silently for that.

Walking over, she looked up at the armor that hung on the wall. She had only ever worn it twice; once to try it on, and again when Matthias suggested she train in it. She remembered how much she hated it, as it was heavy and uncomfortable, but, in that moment, she wished she had listened to Matthias and trained more with it. She lifted her fingers up, hovering over the waist of the suit and trailing her fingers across it, feeling the cool, rigid metal.

The sound of footsteps behind her caused her to jump with fright. Retracting her hand and whipping around, she found Harry in the shadows. She sighed. "You startled me."

"What are you doing, Ginny?" he asked, ignoring her statement.

She furrowed her brows and turned back around to face the armor. "If there is to be a war, I am going to be there to support my people."

"You can support your people from the safety of the palace," he said, taking a step forward. "You don't have to risk your life to show that you care."

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