4 dream

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"Do you know what schizophrenia is?" asked the man.

Lucas shook his head.

"It's a mental disease that's based on having an outside imagination, it's hard to explain. It happens during childhood, due to traumatic experiences. Before the child is able to name all the things that are going on in it's head they become visible. It's incurable, we can only help the people to lead a calmer life through medication and therapy."

Lucas was nodding hard still not getting a word.

"You still don't understand right?" asked the man.

He nodded again.

"Let's put it that way, if you are walking through a dark park in the middle of the night, sometimes you're picturing monsters might possibly hide between bushes and trees right, but you know exactly there's nothing there."

He nodded again.

"In this case a schizophrenic person sees the monster, it's ready to eat him alive."

Lucas felt his stomach flipping dangerously.

"Means everything I can see here..." he pointed at his head.

"Yes, everything he can imagine is real to him. There will be people who aren't there, voices, all kind of things. So he needs a stable environment, a repeatable schedule, doing the same things each day helps, being around the same people is really important. Also you can't ask him about his symptoms because this will make them worse, but in case his fears will become too big, bring him here we will help further," the man shook his head.

Lucas was sitting there watching his shoes, his phone vibrated a few times in his pocket but he didn't bother to pick it up.

What was the record company thinking? Was a guy like this even able to debut?

"He also can't get bored, he must have a lot to do, it's healthy for him to do things, ok. Also try to treat him in a normal way, he's very sweet, he's twenty one but like a child inside, he will never grow up," the man lifted from Lucas's side. "I'll go for him his name is Jungwoo."

Lucas nodded.

Yes, he was simply sitting there nodding, what else could he do.

He waited, each second hour long, then the door on the other side of the corridor opened, the same doctor came back, right behind him a boy with a very frightened but very sweet face, long brown hair, very skinny but tall. Lucas got up, he nodded agin, rubbed his hands.

The boy looked at him his eyes became very scared.

"This is your new friend Lucas," said the doctor leading him closer but the boy stopped in the corridor. "He has to get used to you," said the man.

Shit, where was Kun when he needed him, he definitely looked like a huge monster, he thought.

"Hi Jungwoo," he said trying to smile

The boy moved his head to the left observing him from a strange perspective. He was just standing there blinking for a long time till he moved a few steps closer.

"I'll leave you alone, here's my card in any case," the doctor pressed a piece of paper in his hand than left behind the double door. Jungwoo turned around, his eyes seemed a little not here, he was observing something in the right corner of the window with deep interest.

"Jungwoo hi," said Lucas again so the boy turned his attention towards him.

He walked closer till he stopped next to him but he was turning to the spot down the glass all the time.

"So, can we go, I'll show ya the place we live in," muttered Lucas, he was stressed.

The boy seemed so creepy, he had absolutely no idea how to deal with him.

"Lucasy?" asked the boy watching him with a nice smile.

"Yes, um, can we go?" Lucas rubbed his hands into his jeans, they were sweaty.

"But I don't know," Jungwoo turned towards the door.

"You will live with me and Kun," said Lucas in a calm way although it was awkward.

"Ok," Jungwoo's face became cloudy, he turned towards the window a few times each one observing the same spot.

"Come," Lucas had no idea what to do so he took the boy's hand pulling him out he was rather fed up, he couldn't wait to leave the problem to Kun then go meet up with Stacy or whatever girl will have time.

"Come," Lucas had no idea what to do so he took the boy's hand pulling him out he was rather fed up, he couldn't wait to leave the problem to Kun then go meet up with Stacy or whatever girl will have time

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Much <3

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