25 infinity

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"Hard to find."

"Yes I know the population of Korea is 51 million," muttered Lucas signing.

"Yes, it is 51,25 million," said Jungwoo nodding.

"Jungwoo think hard, where is Kun?" asked Lucas coming to him kneeling on the carpet opposite to the boy.

"Kun was going to the bathroom the whole night," muttered Jungwoo smiling in a nice way.

"What, haven't you slept?" asked Lucas, he knew dr. Martin has given Jungwoo pills which he was supposed to take around 9 p.m., they were knocking him out till the morning.

"I don't like the pills," said Jungwoo lowering his head. "I don't know if they're real and I don't know how to find out when Lucasy isn't here," he was shaking his head miserably. "And there was a strange boy in the mirror and he was crying," said Jungwoo grabbing his face shaking it.

"Why was he crying?" asked Lucas.

"Because Lucasy wasn't there," Jungwoo's eyes became clear for a second.

They were watching each other for seconds till Jungwoo turned his attention towards the box on the floor. He took a flower petal out then placed it in his hair.

"Jungwoo," he said smiling cutely again.

Lucas got up, he left the room then dialed Kun's number.

"I'm at the front door," said Kun unpleasantly so he ran downstairs to see his roommate coming in.

Kun seemed very happy when he was coming in carrying a backpack but he stopped abruptly noticing Lucas's face.

"Whatever he has told you is not true you know he sees things that aren't real," said Kun his grin falling.

"You piece of shit!" Lucas ran to Kun grabbing him by his jumper shaking him.

"Lucasy they took it," he heard Jungwoo's voice so he let go of Kun immediately.

"Where is his money?" asked Lucas.

"What money?" Kun shrugged.

"Give it back now or I'm going to the manager!" shouted Lucas.

"Go ahead I tell him about you too," Kun smiled in a mean way.

They were speaking Chinese and Jungwoo stopped in the living room watching their faces in a scared way.

"Kun is hard to find but you found him," said Jungwoo quietly.

Kun turned his way his smile becoming a genuine one.

"Hi Jungwoo how was your morning?" he asked in a sweetened way.

"Kun they took it!" said Jungwoo when Lucas felt his heart falling.

"I'm going to the manager," he muttered.

"You won't," hissed Kun.

"I think they'll rather keep a guy who is sleeping with a lot of girls than a drug addict," he was eying Kun who kept his stare.

"Don't you think I can accidentally smuggle something into your things?" asked Kun grinning wider.

"Kun come see they took it!" Jungwoo grabbed Kun's arm trying to pull him upstairs.

Lucas looked away from them, he was trembling.

"At lest give back what you have left," he muttered.

"Sorry had spent it all," Kun smiled wider then followed Jungwoo upstairs.

His phone rang and he hesitated a moment till he picked it up. He has been sitting in the park on a bench watching boys playing football in the grass waiting for Stacy to call back, his heart heavy like a storm cloud.

"Hi, so you've missed me?" her tone was cheerful.

"Stacy I have a problem," he whispered.

She sighed loud.

"Listen I need some money," he decided to make it quick.

"No we're not playing this game!" her voice became sharp.

"No listen, it's for Jungwoo, my roommate had stolen his money and spent on drugs," said Lucas quietly.

"Do you think I'll buy this shit?" she asked.

"Stacy, Jungwoo believes some 'them' he's scared of had taken it, if it won't be back, he will stop fleeing safe in the dorm, and if so... he will be worse again, go back to the clinic, maybe even... leave," Lucas jumped from the bench as he couldn't sit any longer.

Thank you the feedback, I appreciate each of your opinions, I know that there have been some harsh words under the previous chapter and some of you are disappointed, but I want to stick to the choices I made for this story

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Thank you the feedback, I appreciate each of your opinions, I know that there have been some harsh words under the previous chapter and some of you are disappointed, but I want to stick to the choices I made for this story. I can only tell this story isn't a bromance, nor a romance, it's a metaphor, it's a story about love and human nature. As an author I'm not the person who will romanticize a bad boy, a mental illness or a drug addiction, that's why the characters are in a conflict that is so difficult. Also maybe I'm old fashioned but I don't believe in a concept that love equals sex, I believe love is so much more and through this story I'm trying to show how deep, selfless or unconditional love can be.

Despite all of this I hope you'll still enjoy the story, so let me know what do you think about Kun taking the money and Lucas's decision to borrow money from Stacy?

Much <3

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