32 synchronization

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It was late in the afternoon when Lucas reached the house in the suburbs, he opened the door, sneaked into the living room.


He stopped turning towards the couch, there was a match playing on the large TV.

"My favorite team is winning," said Jungwoo smiling.

"That's, yeah, great man," Lucas decided to go upstairs when he saw Kun hurrying towards the front door.

Their eyes met briefly and from the way Kun was in a hurry, the nervous glance Lucas knew he was going where has always gone to.

He sighed walking towards the couch sitting on it sinking in the pillows, he felt as if a hundred years had happened in just a short time.

"Lucasy will watch with me?" asked Jungwoo excited so he nodded.

They stayed silent, the commentator screaming loud approves for both teams.

Lucas's phone vibrated in his pocket so he took it out quickly.

37 new messages on the chartroom, he switched it on, scrolled down absentmindedly pressing a random girl.

'Hi hot boy you look like someone who can have fun,' was her message with lot of hearts attached to it.

He glanced to his right where Jungwoo was bitting the pillow from nervousness following the action on the screen.

"It's not," Lucas pulled on the pillow.

"Jungwoo," said the boy turning his attention to him for a brief moment.

Lucas was watching him from the side seeing how Jungwoo's attention left the screen his eyes turning distant when he started to bite on his pinky watching the kitchen door frame.

"Jungwoo," muttered Lucas so the boy turned his way.

"Lucasy, cold is going around you have to be careful," muttered Jungwoo. "I was playing football in high school, I was in club, but cold is going, they gave me five injections."

"I think your team scored," said Lucas watching the players running to each other on the screen.

Jungwoo turned his attention to the TV, he moved his head to the left narrowing his eyes.

"Lucasy my favorite team is winning!" he said jumping up.

"Yes, they scored," Lucas smiled.

Jungwoo clapped then sat back starting to bite the edge of the pillow again. A moment later he began to stick his tongue out to the TV doing a lot of silly faces.

"Jungwoo," he said changing his attention from the screen to the carpet. "The comments are coming in."

Lucas smiled to himself, he took the phone out lighting it up finding the message form the girl.

'Hi sexy,' he typed in quickly pressing send.

'Wanna met?' her answer was quick.

He could have a date tonight, maybe? Yet, he hid his phone leaving it for later, yes later, as right now he simply enjoyed watching the match with Jungwoo.

He could have a date tonight, maybe? Yet, he hid his phone leaving it for later, yes later, as right now he simply enjoyed watching the match with Jungwoo

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Much <3

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