12 wind

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"He's so cute," Stacy giggled.

"No, no I'm not cute, Lucasy is cute."

"Hey! Hey told ya something about that!" Lucas raised his voice but Jungwoo only shook his head with pity.

"He's my little brother, cute," he said caressing Lucas's hair.

"Hey!" Lucas thought he will go insane.

Stacy was watching them very amused.

"Actually when he puts it that way," she muttered.

"Stop! Stop! Ok stop, I'm hot and manly not cute," he made hie voice lower.

But both reacted with giggles. Why was he even standing them.

"Ok so Stacy I..." he looked at the girl who had tears of laugher in her eyes, then at Jungwoo who was giggling like a little kitten.

What was it actually the words at the tip of hie tongue.

"Yes?" she tried to keep calm getting over her laughter.

"Yes so..." he rubbed his hands in his jeans, how should he put it.

He looked at her, their eyes met, his body reacted in a strange way.

"Are you free tonight?" he asked before he could bite his tongue.

"Yes," she raised her brow.

"Good," he focused on his nearly empty coffee cup.

"Cold is going around you have to be careful," said Jungwoo looking at Stacy.

"I will be darling don't worry," she smiled to him. "Be at mine around 10 p.m. as usual," Stacy loot at Lucas fiercely his body answering with more weirdness.

"Sure," he whispered, actually they could also lock themselves up in the janitor's chamber or a toilet in this building, yes, but Jungwoo... he glanced at the boy.

"放送はコマーシャル・ブレイクの後も続きます," said Jungwoo so suddenly both turned his way.

"Was that Japanese?" asked Stacy in shock.

"I watch a lot of Japanese TV, said Jungwoo rather seriously.

"What does it mean?"

"The broadcast will continue shortly after the commercial break," said Jungwoo in the same deadly serious manner when Stacy hid her face in her hands bursting out into hysterical laugher.

Lucas had no idea how to react. Yes Jungwoo was something.

"Breakfast is ready," said Jungwoo in Chinese causing Lucas's jaw to drop.

"What?" he asked.

"Are you learning Chinese too?" asked Stacy.

"Yes since yesterday, Lucasy and Kun are speaking to each other, I want to understand," Jungwoo smiled.

"Good luck with that," muttered Lucas shaking his head.

He was trying to learn Korean for two years now and it was still so difficult for him to communicate.

"If you want to understand them you will definitely achieve your goal," said Stacy in her nice way. "Anyway my break is nearly over, come around 10 p.m., ah and in case your roommate won't be reliable again let me know I'll come to your house," she said jumping up. "Bye Jungwoo its as lovely to see you again."

"Jungwoo," said the boy turning to her.

"Yes I know," she sighed.

"But cold is going around and babies don't like their past."

"Yes sure dear," she caressed his palm then  got up. "Take good care of him ok," she said walking to Lucas leaning in kissing his cheek briefly.

"He's not even..." Lucas looked at Jungwoo's big brown eyes staring straight at him and the rest of the sentence somehow blocked. "Sure I will," he changed it.

"We're Luwoo, Lucasy and Jungwoo couple, said Jungwoo smiling wide.

Thank you so much for all the support on this story, through hard times you really give me strength

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Thank you so much for all the support on this story, through hard times you really give me strength.

So what do you think about their conversation and Lucas bending under his physical longing again?

Also the sentence in Japanese is for an online translator so if you notice it's wrong let me know.

Much <3

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