#1 Melissa

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Melissa loves to cook. When she does it, she can forget all her problems and concentrates on what is good. It seems that there is a different reality. One where she can take refuge ...
It is Friday afternoon. Melissa is immensely nervous. She is always looking at her watch:

'I don't want to be late' Melissa thinks for herself.

She has a job interview that would help her fulfill all her dreams.

Melissa is a 20 year old girl who had the dream of studying at the University of Dimitri Island. It is the best in the country. It was impossible for her to pay her tuition for the university. But now, the opportunity arose! Maybe she would be able to live on the Island and have her course paid. It was too good to be true ...
She doesn't want to be too hopeful. Melissa sets the cupcakes in a gold bowl and heads for the boat. It is a two-hour trip.
Melissa hasn't television and hates gossip magazines. It is a waste of time! Her past was enough to make her feel like a celebrity, and she didn't feel it was good. Actually, her past was terrible!

She shakes her head.
'It is not the time to think about it' Melissa thinks.

She sees many girls on the boat. They are excited and talking loudly to each other. Beside her, a short-haired girl listens to music and chews a gum making and popping balloons. Melissa shows the container with the cupcakes and smiles. The girl takes off the earphones from her ears and introduces herself:

"Hello, I'm Sarah! Thanks. It looks delicious!"

She grabs one and almost swallows a piece.

"I've been on the mainland all day, and I am starving." She continued.

"Oh! So you live on the island?" Melissa is curious.

"Yes. Home, sweet home." Sarah laughs.

"Hum ... what's it like living there?"

"It's like living surrounded by water". Sara has a beautiful smile. "But seriously, why are you going to the island? Tired of the mainland? Are you looking for adventure? Romance?"

"Well, I want to go to the Island University. But for this I have to get the job."

"Oh God!!! You too???"

"What? I do not understand." Melissa is confused.

"I'm sorry, I did not get your name."


"Melissa, this job is going to be practically impossible to obtain. That's what these hysterical fans are here for."

"Are they all applying?"

"Yes. I'm just surprised. You don't look hysterical like them. Do you have any idea where you are going to?"

"They only gave me this address." Melissa shows a paper that looks like a royal invitation.

Sarah seems to know the place and is worried:

"Have you ever heard of the Darkovs?"


"Really? Okay ... This is worse than I thought ... Listen: The Darkovs are a super powerful family, they own the whole island and basically rule the whole country."

Melissa thinks Sarah is exaggerating, she had never heard of such thing. Sara explains:

"They are like wild animals. They do not talk to anyone outside the family and are inaccessible. This job offer gives me the shivers. A lot of people say they are vampires."

Melissa laughs:

"Vampires? That's a good joke!"

Sara doesn't laugh and frowns.

"This is not a joke. But as you wish. You're the one looking for the job, not me."

"Sorry, I do not want you to be offended. I just think that when someone likes to have some privacy, others will say everything and anything about them."

"Do you know what the job position is?"

"Yes, to be a lady's companion. Or a helper..."

"To be the companion of Princess Milenka. She is not easy to put up with, I've heard. This year she also goes to the Island University. She's the second in the family to want to graduate there, although I think she'll be the first." Sara laughed comically.

" Who was the first person in the family?"

" The Royal Vampire."

Melissa's eyes widen.

"Sorry, you're new to this! The younger brother of the Darkovs ... He is like the plague! And he goes into the University, I'm not sure what for. He never goes to class. He only appears there with his sports car, smiles, kisses the hysterical fans and disappears. Nobody knows where. Everyone says he wants to avoid sunlight ... because ... he's a vampire."

Sarah laughs again.

"And the girls like him? Is that why they want the job?"

"Yes. They want to be around the dangerous, vampire babe."

"Interesting." Melissa is a little distressed, not because of the strange family she is going to meet, but because she's worried that now there's a tiny chance of fulfilling her dreams. Maybe someone is more qualified for the job.

"But they have no employees? Why is a lady in waiting required?"

"I don't know. Only the three brothers live in the house with their butler. And they like to go out at night to hunt. Yes, you heard well ... They hunt at night. Do you think it's not a vampire thing to do?"

No doubt it was strange. But Melissa hates vampire stories and doesn't want to believe in something so silly.

" If I get the job, it looks like we're going to see each other at the university."

"If you get the job, you may not survive to get to the University."

Melissa ignores this comment and continues the journey knowing the girl who is now her only friend.


Sorry for the errors! I'm trying to write my story in English, not sure if it will work.

Hope you like the story!

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