#13 Truce??

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When Melissa gets close to her room, she notices that Dominic's door is open and that he is lying on the bed with his headphones. His eyes closed, but he looks awake.

Melissa knocks on the door. Dominic doesn't listen and she watches him while he seems to be distracted. He is certainly handsome. His golden brown hair is rebel and always falls to his eyes. His voice so deep and sexy...

"What are you thinking? Melissa! What is wrong with you? You're silly! He's a fool prince. Could you ever love someone like that? Never! Then, that's enough. You have a mission. Concentrate on it ... "

Lost in thought she doesn't realize that the guy is watching her while he's leaning against the door with his arms folded.
"To what do I owe the honor of your visit?" Dominic asks.

"I ... I'm sorry ... Where was I going? I was..." Melissa is a bit lost and her cheeks flushed.

He is amused. The girl looks at the ground:

"I want to apologize. I think I was very harsh in the way I spoke to your highness and I'm sorry I hurted your lordship."

"Why do you treat me like that? Why do you treat me as "your highness" when I'm near you? I feel like you're doing this to distance yourself, despite the fact that I'm very close. Too close, indeed. I am at the mercy of your indecent kisses."

"I realize I did not hurt you that much. Otherwise, you would have a different attitude. Even so, I want to make it clear that I will try not to do the same. I believe there has to be mutual respect." Melissa explains.

"That is what I want. That you respect me hard."

She turns her back on him and enters her room.
He knocks on the door and waits. Melissa opens the door with a ponytail that leave her face fully exposed.
Dominic is a little surprised at her beauty.

"Wow! I did not know that ... I mean ... I'm sorry. For the most part, I ... I have fun and I look like a savage. I look like a royal vampire. But I'm not a monster."

"Believe me. If you were a monster, I would not open the door for you. I accept your apologies. But please try to say less dirty jokes to me. That is really cheap and it's not worthy of a prince."

"Will you let me be your prince?"

"Go to sleep."

And closes the door. Then the girl checks the door to the bathroom and it is open, at first she's angry, but then Melissa sees a note in the shower. It says:

"Mel, a bet is a bet. I greatly respect what is agreed upon in them. I did not lock your door, but I'll leave you the whole bathroom. It's only for you. I'll use the one on the bottom floor. I do not need to use this one. Think of me when you shower!"

Melissa knocks again on the prince's door.

"Have you changed your mind about sleeping with me cuddling?" He smiles.

"What? Your dreams are too high, too exaggerated. I just wanted to say thank you for the note."

"You taking a shower while thinking of me is a good image, right?"

"Wrong. But until that sentence, the note was worthy of a museum. It is very generous of you and it is ... chivalrous."

"Are you starting to see me with other eyes, Melissa Laurie?"

"That's another exaggerated dream of yours, Your Highness."

"There's one more push. Even with words you push me away."

He continues to stare at her seductively.

"And so ends the day. I'm going to wash my eyes to get the shower image out of my mind. And that expression that it seems that you never saw a girl in ponytail and pajamas."

"Sleep tight. And pretend I'll fix your sheets." Dominic winks.

Melissa smiles, but after closing the door she thinks it must be a good feeling ... Have someone to cuddle her in bed and kiss her good night. She never felt that. Never had someone to do those things for her.
Before, she thought she didn't want it, but now with that family ... she feels safer. More integrated. Is it really true? As soon as they have enough, they would not send her away like they did the others, right?

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