#15 Confidential

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Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

"Maxim!" Dominic calls.

"Yes? Good Morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Not really. But good morning!" Dominic walks over to his brother and smiles.

"Did something happen? Have you left poor Melissa alone? She deserves peace."

"She's at peace with me! But I want to say that I'm going to be away for three weeks to deal with our confidential business." Dominic is serious.

"Okay. Do it discreetly. No one can know about this. The family may be at risk."

"I know how it is. It's not my first time."

"Come back safe and sound, Dominic."

The young man withdraws and Maxim looks thoughtful. Yes, no one can know!

In the days that pass by without Dominic, time runs and Melissa feels very safe for not having to worry about him. Of course, Bruno is still impossible. But she can avoid him with her own special way that makes her so special to Dominic.
Now the group is closer than ever! Milly and Mark are studying all the time in the library. Sara and Melissa go together everywhere. Sara still thinks the family is strange, because one morning when she'd gone to get the girls to the mansion, something had happened that had made her terrified.

She knocked on the door. No one would open. She knocked again. Pavel answered, that day he had helped Melissa make the cake and was full of flour on his face, that gave him a ghostly look.

"Go-good morning! I'm looking for Me-Melissa." Sara tried to say.

He let her in and she waited in the living room for some time.
On that day there was cranberry jelly for breakfast and strawberry juice.
Sara's eyes were wide when she saw Maxim with a little jelly in the corner of his mouth and his glass of red juice on his hand.
Sara did not run away because Melissa burst out laughing and signaled to Maxim that he had something on his face.
He was very ashamed, but Sara never took the scene from her head again.

"The school looks different since the Royal vampire went somewhere." Sara whispers.

"Yeah. It's a little quieter. Although he seems like he's never here. How long have he been studying here?" Melissa is curious.

"Look, Melissa, I started last year. And he had been here for at least three years. Although you hear rumors that he has been here for centuries!"

Melissa knows they can not trust those rumors, after all Dominic has a certain power of imagination that people took seriously. She asks:
"And do you know if he failed some class?"

"I happen to have no idea. But I think it's natural ... He never comes to class. So, if you do not fail because of the exams, you will fail because of your absence, right? No one knows what his major is. He's ... creepy. And those eyes! You see, he can not be from this world, Melissa."

"Quite frankly! It's a genetic situation! It has nothing to do with these supernatural things."

"Are you defending him?" Sara asks with a wry smile.

"No! Me? Never in my entire life."

"Sometimes he looks like an actor from those vampire movies or whatever. No! Maybe a cute guy from anime or manga novels" Sara imagines.

Melissa says nothing, but gets a little angry with herself. She's mad because Sara was right, she was defending him. And the worst part? She's missing the crazy prince!

Dominic arrives at the mansion in his sports car and before parking, Maxim is already next to him.

"Then? How was it?" Maxim looks agitated.

"Looks like it went better than we expected."

"Great. I'm glad you arrived well and in peace. Please be discreet for a while. We do not want to attract unnecessary attention."

Dominic agrees and they enter together in the house.


What are these guys hiding? It seems something dark. Any theories?

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