#19 The 10-Step Explanation

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Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Melissa can't stop thinking about what Dominic meant by the 10-step plan. Milly had gone to school earlier that day, since the newcomer had been in the kitchen till late.
When Melissa arrives at school, she mets Milly and gestures that wants to talk.
Milenka is so focused on Mark that doesn't see Melissa's requests for help.

The young redhead shouts:

Everyone looks at them. Milly understands that something is happening, something important and goes with her new friend to a "safe" place where no one can hear them.

"Milly, you have to tell me about the 10 steps of your brother's silly plan. He thinks we're on the 4th step and I think this is a terrible mistake ..."

"Calm down! As much as I'd like to help, if I do ... My brother will take revenge on me. The last time I talked about his plans, he took off the heads of all the collection dolls I had. I've had millions of dreadful dreams with him being a vampire and ripping their heads off."

"Milly! I need to know. He doesn't have to suspect that you told me, I'll be discreet."

"He always knows. But as the 5th step is my favorite, I'll tell you. My brother thinks he's the master of seduction. So he created 10 steps to conquer and get rid of a "toy". The first step always takes place in the mansion. It's the "Test of the Bathroom". You passed with maximum points. Never before has anyone reacted like you in the history of the 10 steps."

"Which means, the ladies were all automatically conquered with the abs."

"Yes. You know, my brother has talent. He waits for them while brushes his teeth with hardly anything dressed. He is very patient! Sometimes it takes two hours for the girl to appear."

"Yes, Yes! What a Great talent: rubbing the abs on the poor girls."

Milly laughs and continues:
"The second step is"The Bet". It was the first time my brother had to create something different. This was very funny! The makeover. He was a bit obsessed with the fact that at most of the time, you looked like a nun, you know ... simple, conservative. So Dominic asked me to help him find a way to see you a little more."

"And you as my traitor helped! I don't know what to think."

"Listen ... I'm scared that he would do something terrible to me. He is the Royal vampire. I do not know what's in his brain. He may have been kidnapped one day by one of the scariest vampires and made the transformation without us noticing!"

"Yes, that's probably the best scenario!" Melissa looks irritated.

"He lost his bet. I was a bit surprised. He usually wins to have the date. Then it's the third step, attention that girls rarely go through here. This step is called "The Open Heart." There are girls who like sensitive boys, there is no better way to catch them. He always tells a touching story, usually about a pony he had when he was a kid or a doggie ​​that died. The girls get emotional! They cry for him and everything. It was yesterday that you went through this step with the food issue. What I found odd was that he was very honest this time, he even talked about things that I never imagined he would be able to say out loud. Step 4 ..." Milly stops talking and begins to laugh without wanting to.

"I do not know what's funny." The young redhead is running out of patience.

"Excuse me. I wish I had seen the scene. This step is called "The Almost Kiss". And my brother has the blame for inventing it. But whose fault is it to go to the next step? Melissa's." Milly laughs heartily.

"Yes ... Well ... I'm to blame for always being the target of a brainless prince."

"Melissa, "The Almost Kiss" is, like the name itself indicates, a desire to kiss a certain prince who lives in our mansion and who is not Maxim. A will that my brother felt in you. He is very controlled and patient. Believe me! He seems to be impulsive in these steps, but he is not."

"So that means ...?"

"That you're quite attracted to Dominic Alik and you want him to pull you into his strong arms and kiss you."

Melissa does a funny face and shows her tongue. Milly folds her arms and looks at her friend with a raised eyebrow. Melissa confesses:

"I hate that guy. And it was only a matter of weakness. I'm human. I wish my hormones have died, but it looks like they're still a little alive. I feel really bad about it. I don't want him to think I was playing this stupid game."

Milly feels sorry for the girl, but Melissa has an overly meticulous opponent. Then Milenka explains the next step looking amused:

"My favorite step is the 5th "The Peacock". My brother always surprises me here. He is awesome!"

"Yes, Yes. You love your brother! Yeeey!"

"Listen: he will do everything to seduce you. He will find out what you like and use it against you as if you were a mouse trapped in the trap. Dominic will become very interesting and it will be impossible not to look at him. He'll start training today. So when you get home, be careful. You can try to use that against him."

"OK. I'll try."

"You just have to be careful with the quadruple threat. Because steps 5 to 8 are usually used in weight all together. Step 6 - "The Rescue". Step 7 - "The Jealous". And step 8 - "The last bet." God! My brother is complicated."

Melissa sits on the floor and crosses her legs. She looks lost. And she gives a pleading look to her friend to explain.

"You're going to forget all this. I should just tell you this after you pass "The Peacock." But anyway, here it goes: a very Sexy Dominic will save you from some situation and be the hero. Then he'll make you jealous of him and go back to betting on a date. Step 9 is "The Date" and Step 10 "The Goodbye." Milenka seems tired.

"So when I get to step 10, will he give up?"

"That's usually how it works. Though no one has ever come so far. Imagine this: a girl who is soon surrendered to him in the first step, usually jumps all the others and goes to the 10. If for some reason he gets tired or does not like the reaction of the girls, he jumps to step 10. Therefore, he can quit without having to go through all these steps."

"That's how easy it is. Just let the steps pass and I'll wait for him to get tired and say goodbye!"

"Melissa ... I warned you that something is different. And I think you're too interesting for him to do that. I know him. He loves to play these games ... I think he'll be able to complete all the steps with you."

"And you know he uses me to have fun and you do nothing? This is ridiculous! Can't Maxim help me? Dominic needs to be taught a lesson." Melissa clenches her fists and pretends to hit him.

"There's nothing we can do. Only you or Dokinic can end the game, but please do not tell him I told you this. He's quite capable of taking my binoculars away."

"And how do I do such a thing as end the game?"

"Listen, he will not force you to do anything you do not want. He's a gentleman, though he's hiding it so well. Yes, he's going to create a lot of opportunities to be close, for you to smell his scent, for you to feel his sensuality, but he's not going to kiss you without you wanting it. He is a Darkov. Dominic is special in his own way, but a true Darkov. If I told you how my father conquered my mother, you were going to see why Dominic is like this."

"That said, I'm a little more nervous. It's up to me to get through everything until he gets tired."

"The problem is if he ... Forget it!"

"Tell me what the problem is. Do not hide anything from me, Milenka Darkov."

"What if he does not get tired? What if he likes the way you frustrate all his plans?"


What a good question!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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