#10 The Bet

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On the next day, Melissa wakes up and stretches. She gets up and decides to not open the bathroom door from now on. Melissa wakes up Milenka and helps her get dressed before she gets ready. When the new girl returns to her room, is greeted by more of Dominic's indiscreet looks. He is wearing boxers and a top (which doesn't cover his abs entirely) and he is washing his teeth in the hallway.

"Good Morning! It's good to know that you take good care of your teeth." She tries to give him a compliment.

"I'm preparing myself. Someday we will make out."

She rolls her eyes and walks into the room, but before closing the door, he sneaks in her room.

"But now seriously ..."
He enters the bathroom by her room and she gets angry to see that the access door is open again. "... I want to thank you."

"Why?" Melissa's getting ready to listen to something naughty.

"Because you were the only girl who took care of my sister first, and then took care of herself."

Melissa doesn't know how to react. He is being serious for once! She wants to smile, but he ruins everything again:

"Besides you do not have to do that much, even in your pajamas you look hot."

"Thanks. And you should have more activities than chasing me during the day."

"You're right. Probably it's best for me to do that during the night."

Melissa is about to explode again. Dominic's having fun.
"Mel, Mel ... You do not even know how happy it is to see you all red and with the desire to hit me in the head. That is a vision that makes my day."

"Don't you shut up?"

"Wanna bet?" Dominic holds out his hand.

She blinks without realizing it.

"I'll explain: if you're betting that I can not keep silent today, you demand something from me. But, if I stay quiet without talking to you, I get something in return."

"I have a feeling that making a deal with you is dangerous!"

Milenka appears to watch the scene and alerts Melissa:

"Beware. This kid's bets are crazy."

"It's Okay. If you talk to me today, I win. I want you to leave the door to my bedroom locked forever." Melissa points out.

Then he adds:
"Very well. So if I win, you have to have dinner with me. Like a real romantic date."

In that second, Melissa regrets to bet with the prince but Dominic has already shaken her hand vigorously and says nothing, going to his room.

"Milenka ... I can not lose this bet. I do not want a romantic date with this crazy prince."

The princess smiles:
"I think I have an idea ..."

The things will begin to get interesting, I promise.
I'm trying hard to translate my story to English, not sure if I'm having success. However, it is a dream of mine to share my Darkovs with the world.
Maybe if the English version gets a lot of viewers, I'll be able to translate it into español. But Spanish is my 3rd language, so... It would be more messy to do it.

Don't forget to vote! And remember you can read this story on the app Episode. I'm not a programmer but I'm proud of my work until now. Sorry if I don't upload much lately. Promise I will have more time to do it.

Also, I'm a big fan of the EA game the Sims and I'm making my own country Datoolik there. I already have Dominic, Milenka and Maxim there. So happy! 😊

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