#4 Milenka

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Princess Milenka is the youngest of the family. She's 20 and has her whole life ahead of her. But Milenka always feels very lonely and depressed because she had an accident with her parents and is in a wheelchair since she was thirteen.

She doesn't see life with much optimism, she can only endure one day after another because of her brothers whom she loves with her whole being.

Milenka is the person who knows them best and doesn't want to leave them without her. It would be a pain they could never bear. It was enough for them to have lost their parents.

Dispite being very young, but she's not inexperienced. Since she doesn't have much contact with the world, she simply watches the behavior of her neighbors from the window of her room and learned to read others almost instantaneously.

Now that she is going to have a lady-in-waiting, Milenka's anxious to meet somebody she likes. And who knows if that someone is going to be her new best friend!

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