#8 Ice-cream and Mark

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Melissa helps Pavel cleaning the table and feels sorry for him when she discovers that it was the old butler who had arranged and made the food. Then without him protesting, she speaks to Maxim so that she can do those tasks.

"I love to cook! And poor Pavel is too old. For me, it will be a pleasure to help out as much as I can."

"I appreciate it. Before, it was my mother who cooked everything in this house. She was ... very talented. She did not want to hire any cook and when she died I did not hire someone... well because it was not her. So Pavel helped us the best he could. Now that you are here, you can cook but please do not burden yourself. Do your chores and do your homework first."

"It will be an honour. But ..." She stops hesitantly.

"Do not be embarrassed. Ask the question."

"Maxim, do you know why Dominic does not eat?"

"Because he's the real vampire. At least that's what everybody says in town and in the village. Of course, of course, he is not. But he likes to keep up the appearances."

"It's all right. There is no need to seek psychiatric help ..." She whispers.

Maxim laughs and replies:

"Melissa ... If it continues like this, he is going to be able to give up on you. There was never anyone to deal with him like you did. You're the first to pass the bathroom test."

"The test? Was it a test?"

"Yeah. He has the key to the bathroom and to your room. But do not worry. I stole it this morning."

"But if he had them ... When I closed the door... Why didn't he open it again?"

Maxim thoughts and concludes:

"Now there's a good question. But maybe he gave up."

"Perhaps ..."


Maxim, Dominic and Pavel left for the city and Melissa stays with Milenka for a walk around the village. It is so calm. There they find a very young and handsome guy in front of the bakery. He's the baker's helper. Melissa pushes the wheelchair and introduces herself:

"Hello! I'm a Melissa, this is my friend Milly. What is your name?"

Milenka is as red as a tomato and the boy smiles shyly:

"I 'm Mark."

"Nice to meet you. Milenka, what do you think? Is it a pleasure to meet a young man our age?"

Milenka giggles and nods.

Melissa watches them, and she knows she's not mistaken. Those two are in love.

"Well ... I'll buy some ice cream. I'll be back."

Milenka grabs her arm and begs:

"Do not leave me alone. I do not know what to say and I'm going to ruin everything."

"I promise you will not ruin anything. Courage. It's just a boy!"

Milenka takes a deep breath and approaches him who is on a break from work.


Melissa walks into the ice cream shop and smiles to see them through the shop window.

"There! Love is beautiful!" A voice Melissa recognizes instantly whispers it to her ear.

"What are you doing here, Dominic?"

"What am I doing here? You followed me and I'm in the wrong place?"

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