#14 Omelet Man

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Melissa wakes up very early to prepare breakfast and sees Dominic listening to music in the living room, she dodges quickly so that he can't see her and enters the kitchen.
Melissa prepares cake, french toast, orange juice, and coffee. He also makes a cheese and sausage omelet.

Pavel wants to set the table, Dominic, who is still in the living room listening to music, reprimandes the old man:
"Pavel, you're going to die working, man! It seems like you're slower than ever today. I'll do this. You can give me orders. I know you like these ridiculous traditions and so I promise to set the table as if it were for a royal ball."

Pavel thanks him and sits down to rest.
When Dominic enters the kitchen, the smell is wonderful, but as usual he doesn't seem to have a nose for such delicacies. Melissa has her back to the door. The prince leans against the door and watches her. She has flour in her hair! Dominic laughs and startles her as he does so.

"Good Morning! Excuse me. I did not mean to scare you."

"It's okay. I'm just used to be living alone and sometimes I forget that I now live with more people."

"To live with people! There's something I hate ..." Dominic sighs.

"Seriously? You seem to be a guy who loves to live around girls, for example." Melissa says without looking him in the eyes.

"Yes, but that may not involve words." He smiles.

"There you are!" She thinks. He explaines himself better:

"That's why being a vampire is easy. It drives people away. All who have blood and neck run away like they have seen the plague. What I did not know is that vampires are a bit famous among the girls and that is a bonus. They just want to live such a romantic adventure. And I say goodbye to them with the same excuse and it's all good."

"And what's the excuse?" Melissa is talking to the prince while she continues cooking.

"That I want to bite them. And puff! Everyone disappears! But once with this crazy girl, I had to go further and wear contact lenses and prosthetics from a movie where Pavel's great-grandson worked. She wanted to live forever with our love, blah, blah, blah, let me sleep."

"Oh! She really liked you ..."

"She was betraying me with Bruno. That's when I gave him the biggest scare of his life." Dominic seems amused by the memory.

"OK. You really are crazy. I try to find a normal person inside that brain of yours, but I have to convince myself that it might be impossible." She goes to the fridge and Dominic opens the door.

"I once told everyone that Maxim was an opera singer and wanted to buy a rare organ. There were representatives of an auction here at the door and he did not understand what was going on. You should have seen his face!"

Melissa hasn't seen the scene, but Dominic's laughter continues to have a certain power over her. She feels tickles in her neck.

"Go help Pavel. He is tired."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" He looks at her pouting.

"Dominic, I'm working and you're distracting me. I still have to go help your sister, get myself ready for college, eat and wait for the bus to go to the University."

"Sorry for the distraction. Sometimes I forget that being irresistible makes others lose their concentration. I'm going to remove myself from your lovely green gaze."

And he leaves the kitchen with some things to put on the table. Melissa tastes the omelet and thinks something is missing.
When Dominic returns, she asks:

" Can you taste it to see if something is missing?"

He looks a little uncomfortable and approaches with a sensual look that Melissa fears.

"It would be an honor to taste your sweet kiss, beautiful maiden. But it seems to me that this is not the point at issue. I do not taste food."

"Why?" Melissa asks with her arms crossed.

"I'll tell you the reason when you tell me why you hate boys."

"I do not hate boys, I just do not trust them."

"Mel, Mel. How sweet! One day ... You will see that our attraction is more than hot, tender, explosive even! It will be impossible for you to live far away from my arms. Let's be like this omelet. Eggs, cheese and sausage, a mixture that may seem improbable but is full of flavor."

"Don't understand a word you said, omelet man. Go help Pavel."

After she manages to get rid of the annoying prince, Melissa climbs the majestic red staircase and helps Milly. The young princess says:

"I dreamed about you today."

"I hope it was a good dream." Mel smiled.

"Yes. You were my best friend and you were my maid of honor. I was about to get married and I was walking. Dominic was Mark's bestman. And then when Mark and I kissed, my brother grabbed you and you had a really hot moment ..."

"Milly! That part with Dominic was a nightmare, obviously! But... Must have been good to walk ..."

"I dream about it almost every day. But we've been to many, many doctors and no one gives us hope."

"I'm so sorry."

Milly's face shows she's worried and sad Melissa reinforces the idea of ​​the day:

"Well ... You don't need to walk to be the most beautiful and intelligent student of our college! And you do not have to walk to get Mark's attention. So let's choose a pretty dress."

Milly smiles and together they get dressed.

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