#7 The Banquet

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At the table, everything looks like a banquet! There is so much food. Although Melissa is not very hungry because of Dominic's entrapment, she sits down and looks excited. She waits a little hoping Maxim and Milenka will come down to breakfast and keep her company.
But in reality, the first to appear is Dominic who sits down in front of her and stares at Melissa. First, she pretends not to see him. Then she starts to feel uncomfortable because every time she glances at him he does not take his eyes off of her.

The boy folds his arms in the chest and buries himself in the chair, then puts the earphones and starts listening to music without taking his eyes of the young woman.

"You know ... Your hair is red, the color of blood." He remarks.

"You got a problem with that?"

He signals that he did not hear her because of the music he is listening. She looks again expectantly at the door hoping to see Maxim or Milenka.

"How could such a small thing be so beautiful?"

Melissa looks back at him with some rage in her eyes.

He smiles and provokes:

"Small, beautiful, with red wavy hair, eyes greener than a forest, freckles on her nose and seductive lips. Heavens! I won the Jackpot."

Maxim walks into the living room and with a glance reprimands Dominic as he straightens up in his chair and removes his earphones. Milenka follows him with a contagious smile.

"Good morning everyone! I see that Dominic has started the chase. Who is winning?"

Dominic looks disappointed and replies:


Maxim, Milenka and Melissa herself are surprised.

"I'm glad we're all together for breakfast." Maxim smiles with tenderness.

But Dominic gets up and leaves without a word.

Melissa is even less impressed by the boy. Does he really think he has manners? Who would have thought he was a savage?

"It doesn't look like it is today, bro." Milenka seems sad.

Now there is another mystery: why doesn't eat Dominic? He seems to be in good health, he has to eat elsewhere.


Why do you think Dominic does not eat with his family? Any theories?

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