#9 Alik

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After the "future couple" said goodbye, Melissa was thoughtful. Dominic had told Maxim that he was going to town, so why was he in the village? That shouldn't matter to her! Right?

Milenka watches Melissa with a longing look as she makes a simple lunch.

"You look like my mother. She cooked like that. With love."

"You don't need only love in the kitchen, Milly. It takes a burning passion. Love and burning passion do not always mix in other fields. They are different."

"I've always heard that opposites attract."

"It's not always like that. Look at my example: I am punctual, organized, methodical, simple, like to go unnoticed ..."

Milenka laughs:
"My brother is quite the opposite. The Alik is your opposite."

"I do not think a relationship with him will ever be possible. Opposites usually attract only in chemistry."

"Who knows if there's going to be any chemistry between you two? He is the Chemistry Master!"

"Milly! After all, do you want me to be your brother's "toy"?"

"No, not at all. It's just ... Something is different. I'm not sure what. We'll have to wait and see. Changing subject: this has a divine smell."

Dominic comes in through the back door, which is in the kitchen and locks it. He has lipstick marks all the way around him.

Milenka takes a picture with her cell phone and laughs:

He becomes more discouraged, then he says:

"Milenka! I had a really bad day! Erase that picture immediately."

"No. This will serve me well in the near future. You'll never know when I have to blackmail you."

Melissa tries to laugh softly and goes back to the pots.

When she turns, there he is, almost on top of her.
"You walk too fast and too quietly."

Milenka laughs and introduces him exaggeratedly:

"It's the Royal vampiiiiiire!"

"You're all nuts!" Says the newcomer.

Dominic takes the girl's hand and puts it to his chest, she feels his heart and makes a look of who will say a joke, but he holds her with a light touch on her cheek and smiles in a way that only he knows. Melissa nods reprovingly, pushes the prince and approaches Milenka to see the photo.

He looks defeated.
"Hey! Toy! This is not the end of it..."

Melissa pretends she does not listen and Milly does the same. After he leaves, the princess looks at Melissa with admiration:

"You're unreal. Don't you feel any kind of attraction?"

"He's handsome, Okay. I have to admit it. But he's not my type."

"And what is your type?"

"I don't know. Someone sensitive, generous, educated, who knows how to be in a crowd where they notice him not because of his looks. More presence of mind than visual presence."

"That is, quite the opposite of the Alik."

"I have already noticed that you call your brother Dominic or Alik on different occasions and only call him Dominic Alik when he does a huge nonsense. Why?"

"My mother wanted him to be Dominic, my father wanted him to be Alik. Then there was a vote in the kingdom to make things interesting. Then my mother said that if my father wanted to have another child again, the name Dominic would be the first one on the list. Because my mother wanted him to be protected by God. Dominic means "of the Lord." But my father wanted him to be Alik because it was a ruler's name. More precisely, "Helper of Humanity". To my mother's surprise, my father registered him with both names. And I was born, so ... She must have been happy."

"But that does not explain my confusion."

"Well ... Dominic has always tried to push people away since my parents died and became the type of young man... as you've had the unpleasantness to meet. So, since he likes to "help" the ladies in danger, the more the merrier... Let's say Maxim and I call him Alik. But when he's normal it's Dominic."

"That does not make sense."

"We're a complicated family."

"I've noticed."

They begin to eat together and at the first bite, Milenka is ecstatic.

"My God! This is great! It looks just like my mother's recipe. It's ..." She starts to cry.
Melissa hugs her and is very honored to give this memory to the young woman in front of her.


As Melissa goes to her room, she stumbles into her doorway. The door is opened and Dominic is doing push ups.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"What do you think? My toy is not very smart."

Melissa takes a deep breath.

"Can't you do that inside your bedroom?"

"No. Oh! And another thing ... If you push me, this time I go into your room instead of leaving it."

"Do not tell me! Dear magesty, where did you get such an insightful mind?"

He stops exercising and does not seem to like her reaction.

"I prefer it when you get angry."

"Impolite prince! Now, if you do not mind ... I have to rest. Tomorrow is work day."

He doesn't move and looks at her from top to bottom.

She sighs.

"What is the problem now?"

"I could be very mean ... But I'll save my thoughts for when you see me with other eyes."

"Are you gonna rip my eyes out at night?"

Dominic's kind of confused. And Melissa takes the opportunity to pull him into the hall and quickly return to the room while she locks up. She thinks she is safe and lies on the bed almost falling asleep instantly.

Dominic Alik Darkov leans his forehead in the room door, takes a deep breath and takes a room key of the pocket. Looks at the key and put it back. He does not know what's wrong with him. He would have taken advantage of it another day. But that girl ... That toy, that "prey" is not like the others. She plays with his head and he loves it. Unlike all his fans, she always knows how to turn him around to avoid him, to make him a prince without charm.

He whispers:

"Why do you resist so much? And why do I want you to keep doing it?"

Dominic returns to his room, and without realizing it, Maxim saw the whole scene.

"Pavel! Something is wrong!" Thinks Maxim out loud. Then, continues:
"My brother has the key, I do not know how, but he has the key and he did not use it. Why? Does he think he's going to fool me? He may even deceive himself ... But I know him. I know he is unable to change. Unable. He is too accustomed to having female attention. We have to protect Melissa from him. He may not use the key today ... But the Alik will use it at any moment. He must have invented a different game. These things he plays with the girls give me shivers. And Pavel ... did you see the happiness in Milenka's face when she went to bed today? She loves that girl. Unlike the others who have not stayed for more than two days, this Melissa is the big deal!"

"Master, if you'll excuse me. We are not in the second day yet."

"Yes. You're right. We can't jinx it. That Darkov will get naughty. I feel it in my veins."

I love this butler! He hardly speaks, but when he does... His speech is full of wisdom. 😁

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